(chapter 2)

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"Elaine demont'e, at last we meet".

Shock rippled through my body like electricity flowing through water. I sat on my bed wide eyed. Who was this guy? How did he know my name?

"Ella, stop looking so horrified. I won't hurt you, well at least not yet "He smirked in a taunting way. I snapped out of the shock trance that I was in and looked at him, "h-how do you know my name?" I asked. Like the last 5minutes, his answer was the usual creepy smile and the baring of a very good set of teeth.

"Would you stop looking at me like a dumbstruck idiot and tell me who on earth you are? Why are you in my room? And how in GOD's name do you know me?!? "I shrieked. I could not believe this, was this some sort of weird, real feeling, nightmarish dream? What on earth was going on?

"Would you te-" I began to speak when he just disappeared from view. I was completely freaked out . Was I imagining all of this? no, It must be a dream, i thought. But just then I felt a cold tickle on my back. I shivered. Shaking myself as if dusting off unwanted creatures, when I felt his icey hands on my shoulders. I froze not knowing what was happening, I closed my eyes tight wishing and hoping he would just go away but instead, he leaned forward. His cold breath felt like an itch on my skin, his lips were practically touching my ear. I tried so hard to move but it was all in vain as I was etched in to place, as though I was a mere statue. Fear ran through my veins, as he whispered "Ella, don't be afraid". And he shrieked with laughter taunting me, leaving me shaking uncontrollably.

He grabbed me once again "I know you have many questions and I shall answer them, but first-" he asked mockingly" -wont you tell me the time?" . I opened my eyes and looked at this crazy man before me, he breaks into my room, refuses to tell me who he is and now he wants to know the time! Anger began to surge through my body, I could not believe the gal of this man, who did he think he was.

He was walking away when I grabbed his hand, stared him straight in the eyes and shouted "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Within a second he was out of my clasp and his face was just inches away from mine and he snickered, " I am your worst nightmare come true, Ella" he said laughing , " but I do have business with you, oh yes Miss Ella. . . we have Business to discuss". He said those last words with such mock horror; I could feel the pain of the torture this man would soon bring. "Now tell me the time" he hissed. I slowly turned my head to face the clock and noticed for the first time how early it was. I faced him once again and opened my mouth to speak, but nothing would come out, like my voice had vanished. I could not let him see me afraid and mustered up every ounce of courage I could find "its 10pm" I whispered.

"What's the time?" He shouted.

"T-ten pm" I said again in a soft but audible tone.

"What's the time?" He yelled, his eyes becoming black with anger "say it louder" he roared banging his hand on to my dressing table making me jump with fright.

"Its ten pm "I shouted and found refuge deeper into my bed. I saw that wicked smirk spread across his face. My eyes gave away the fear i felt and his smirk widened even more in triumphant.

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