(chapter 11)

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(Chapter 11)


I felt a sudden pang in my chest. I clutched my knees closer to me as I silently wept. I could not help but feel so alone, as though I had been let down. No one is coming the pessimestic voice in my head kept chanting . No one is coming.

Jason stood at the window, without uttering another word. The silence was unbearable and I was afraid of breaking it. Afraid that if I spoke he would notice me and that might be my end. It was only natural for me to be afraid. I kept reminding myself that I was being held hostage by a vampire. Who had been feeding on me throughout the night. I could feel the bumps and dried up blood on my neck. The spots below my eyes burned from the excessive tears I cried. It was too much to handle. I wished and prayed I would be rescued or that it would just be over. I had an alomost burnt out candle wick of hope. I had to hold on to the last bit of faith I had. I believed damian would come. He would not let me down. He would try his best even if it proved futile. But if I did die , I would know damian loved me. I felt his name pulse vigourously through my veins. Fixating around my heart. It was asthough he was by my side. I new I loved damian deep within my heart. But I never realised how I loved him until today. Until I was forced into this trecherous situation. I wished I could hold him as mine for one last time. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping that jason would disappear and this nightmare would be over, but sudden images of damian filled my mind.

I opened my eyes, absorbing what just happened and not truly believing it and once again I closed my eyes in a hope of a brief escape , when it happened again. Flashes of damian standing at a window, a tear forcing it way out of his eyes. "Aaahhh" I screamed, panicked. I felt a surge of pain across my heart. It was damian. He was trying to send me a message ," aaaahhh" when I felt the pain again. I clutched my chest as jason ran to my side , holding my shoulders in a deathly grasp as he shook me and scanned me, asking me what was wrong. His sudden behaviour towards my health was profound , but I felt the pain ripple through my body like bolts of lightning electrocuting me. I clutched my body closer to me and fell on my side as I rolled from side to side on the bed screaming, writhing in pain. Jason was horrified almost panicked, but I couldn't care what he was doing, I just wished this awful pain would stop and almost as if not suddenly I felt this cool breeze sweep over me as damians face swept my mind with sweet words of an undeniable comfort. His word swept over me like a protection and I felt ever more close to him. As though he were holding me, willing my pain to go away himself. Willing to take any harm upon himself in order to protect me. I felt his love brush my body as it jerked with the electrical power that flowed through my bones. Calming my every nerve. I felt his arms go around me, his soft lips brush my head , and I felt his words pulsate my mind like magic.

Ella, I need you. Be strong, I'm coming.  

And so I stop writhing in pain as my breathing came quick. I released my deathly grasp upon myself, and took a few breaths to calm myself. His words radiated my skin and even jason looked horrified. I glowed with new power and after all I had a chance. I was not totally doomed. I may be stuck here helpless, but I wasn't completely helpless, I believed in damians love for me. I believed in my love for him and that made his words even stronger.







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