(chapter 17)

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(Chapter 17)

(Present day)

I was stood at my spot by the window, unmoving. I couldn’t bring myself to walk away, I felt that if I stood here and watched Ella, Jason wouldn’t hurt her, but I knew that was wishful thinking. Jason is out of control and there was literally nothing I could do about it. I thought back to what my father said about me having to kill Jason and as much as it nerved me, it was the only way to keep Ella alive. I had a gut feeling that at the end of this night someone I love will die.


It was unnerving as to how casually my father said I should kill Jason. It was unfathomable as to how I could kill my own brother, but then it did make some sense because it would be to protect everyone I could love and care for. I walked back to my room, letting all these thoughts and questions run through my mind, but never coming up with an appropriate answer that could protect us all. I walked into my room and plopped myself on to my bed. I was exhausted from all the happenings of the day and just wanted to be left alone. I lay down on the bed observing my room.

The walls of my bedroom were painted black and had a tinge of blue and silver streaks running through it.  My bed lay in the middle of my room, it was a large king sized bed and was covered with pure black duvet which had silver lining running across it. On the floor lay a black oriental rug that was weaved with blue and silver circles, forming a continuous pattern. My room had the usual stuff, a tv directly in front of my bed and a dressing table on the far end with a computer which lay on a black oak desk next to it. My room was placed next to the sliding door which allowed the sunlight to stream through brightening it up, that’s why it didn’t look as dark as you would think it to be. My mum designed the room. It was her pride and joy.

I just lay on my bed trying so hard to forget about everything. I grabbed my pillow and placed it over my face and was about to shout into it when I heard a slight “ting” in the background. I removed the pillow and sat up straight, looking around to find the sound, when I noticed my computer screen flashing. I got up cautiously wondering who could possibly be emailing me now. Everyone I knew was around here somewhere, there was really no need to email me. I sat on the swivel chair placed at the desk, and noticed the email wasn’t from someone I knew. I assumed it was one of those random forwarded emails and began to open it. I was surprised at what I saw, but suddenly remembered that father had said something about this happening.

The message read:

“Hey, got your email from a friend, sorry about earlier, didn’t get to thank you properly.

Thank you for saving my life.

Elaine Demont’e”

I scanned the message again, unsure of what to do. Do I reply or not? It baffled me as to how father knew about the, message but I decided to reply.

“Hey you, no need to thank me, I was just doing my job. Damian.”

And I pressed send before I had time to rethink the stupid message I typed. Who tells a beautiful girl like Elaine that? Gosh I felt like such a bum. “Aghhh, dammit, why did I have to be such a retard at times?” I groaned, putting my head in my hands trying to hide away the sudden shame. I finally got over my stupidity and looked up at the screen to see that I have mail. Shocked as always, I slowly clicked on the message, thinking that Elaine probably thinks I’m a dweeb and wouldn’t want to talk to me ever again. But what she said surprised me.  


“Urm, so lyk I no dis seems crazy and stuff, bt I can’t fathom wat happened 2nyt, who were dose guys that attacked me and how did you no I was truble. And urm I was sorta kinda wondering if you wud explain it to me. How ‘bout coffee tomz? I hope you think im being to forward coz im not lyk dat, its js dat I hav soooo many q’s and I tawt u wud b able 2 answer dm **blush blush*”

Seriously? She wanted to have coffee with me after everything. I couldn’t explain how happy I felt at that moment. I was ecstatic! I was grinning like an idiot from ear to ear. What was wrong with me, I just met the girl a few hours ago. I shouldn’t be this psyched to be meeting her. Girls always ask me out, but with her it felt different somehow. I replied almost instantly, trying to be cool I said

“Sure, yeah coffee wud b awesome, msg me the wen n wer n il b dr, D J”

And I pressed send before I could reconsider. Elaine sent me the details and we met the day after at a grand coffee shop in town. I had explained that I was just walking by when I saw her in distress and that I had some sort of military training that was why I could kill them so easily. I couldn’t exactly tell her what I was, father warned me not to, at least not yet. She had no reason to worry about such things and I was now there to protect her. We spent hours upon hours talking and laughing. I eventually introduced her to Silla and Ava, who were ecstatic to have a new member added to our “crew”.

(Present day)

 And that was how we became the great friends that we are. The love thing though, I’m not entirely sure when that happened but we both knew how we felt about each other, we were just too afraid of saying or doing anything about it, and today I regret not telling her I love her. Because now I’m afraid that i may never get the chance too.





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