anger and panic attacks

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Hello lovelies I am excited to bring u another chapter so here u are.
⚠️Tigger warning ⚠️

Mizo pov

      I storm up the stairs to todorokis room thrusting open the door. I stomp over to the bed passing a startled todoroki. I slam my face into his pillow which smelled of stupidly expensive colonge. I promptly scream into the pillow in pure frustration. My timid Todo makes his way to the bed after gently shutting the door. Softly rubbing my back carefully pulls his finger through my curly hair.

     "U ok mizo". Instead of answering him I just spoke our code word for 'I just need comfort'. "Calm waters" he frowned sittig up, and grabbing his biggest sweatshirt tossing it to me along with a pair of pj shorts I keep in his room. Before promptly turning  around. I quickly change and move my back all the way to the wall. He layed down asking for consent I nodded.

Todoroki pov

I softly embraced her figure we have done this quite alot recently. I hate seeing her stressed I'm just glad we have each other. She makes thing easier though. My hardest moments no longer seem that bad. It's just so calming feeling her body heat and figure nestled into mine. The way her cheeks warm up when she's close to falling asleep. The way that each of her freckles are perfectly placed to make her look like a woodland fairy. I chuckle softly to myself knowing she would love that complement. Since she introduced me to all the. . . I think their called asethtic. I don't remember but she's obsessed with them. I pull her closer as I feel her start to drift. She prefers tight cuddles where she's super close. I don't mind though she just exhausts herself so much because she's always helping everyone else I know it weighs on her. I wish I could take all her stress away. Stupid bakugo and deku don't ever consider her when it comes to their ridiculous rivalry. Aww she just pulled me closer. The way she does it just makes me soar. She wraps her arms around me and pulls us close and nestles in. I just adore it. She smells just like a summer night gahhh I should sleep.

Outside pov

As both treasured the closeness and warmth they drifted off. Bakugo and Izuku had hence returned to their rooms. A cloud of defeat and embarrasment followed the two around. Bakugo quickly fell asleep in hope of forgetting the incident. Izuku on the other hand took notes on mizo's quirk and anylzing what he had done. The next day would be the weekend and mizo would return home just to return at the beginning of the next week. Everyone wished she would stay. Except a few students because they knew why she left every weekend.

Mizo's pov

⚠️ Tigger warning (night terrors) ⚠️

I can't breath and I feel like I'm being torn in half barely not being ripped apart. I grit my teeth but can't bear it any longer and I scream. Quickly something covers my mouth and my screams are silenced. Tears well up in their place the pain being unbearable. I mentally scream for help. Now I'm dropping falling with nothing to stop it. I beg and plead the feelings inside of the dream over taking me. Skewing my rational and forcing my fear to overtake it's place. I rake my hands at the sky as if for some sort of comfort or hope of an escape. I thrash in the air my energy quickly draining.

Todoroki pov

I'm awoken by someone crying. As I wake up I realize it's mizo. I jump into action trying to wake her up. I know she said to shake her awake but last time she woke up more scared because of it. Instead I decided to say her name and pulled her as tight as I could to my chest. Soon enough her eyes shot open the fear in her eyes was enough to break even the most heartless. She quickly fell into a panic attack. "Hey it's me sho it's me ok. Listen to my voice. . . ( She looked up at me with glassy eyes panting and crying) Ok good good. What are 5 things you see. (She slowly started naming five things) Ok yes those are all good. (Quickly I decided to move to the next step) 4 things you hear. Yep my voice and crickets what else. Your breathing yea one more. My voice yea ( I let her repeat my voice because I could tell she was going to become more panicked if I didn't accept that answer). Ok 3 things you feel." She paused and she hugged me tighter and just cried into my chest. Her breathing evened out though. So I cradled her holding her head and letting her curl up into me. She gripped tightly at my shirt. Her crying soon stopped. "H-hey s-sho?" Her voice quivered "yea mizo" I said rubbing her arm up and down. "C-can (she took a deep breath) can u come home with me this weekend. I don't want to be in the dorms but I don't want to go home alone either." I smiled softly and kissed the top of her head. "Of course anything for u".

I hope you all enjoyed this loves.

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