Saturday One Bitter Sweet Trip Around Town pt.2

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Hello lovelies I don't have much to say at the beginning today so let's get into this. <3

Mizuko's pov

As I made my way upstairs I waivered just before my door. My hand reaching for the handle. My boby had other plans bringing me to instead sink to the ground. I did not know how to face him after my parents had treated him so coldly what would he think of me. I'm pathetic I didn't even ask them to apologize. It is not your place or is it. He's my friend why would I just. Pathetic pathetic pathetic. My small frame shook and quivered as I melted into the floor. I was down on my knees where my head layed cradled softly inbetween, and one hand weakly stretching out towards the door. Pathetic PAthetic PATHETIC HOW DARE U STAND THERE USELESS. My hand once outreach now recoiling back. My breathing picking up I could hear my parents discussing our guest and how much of a misfortune it wasn't Izuku.
"Mizu" a whispered voice spoke scoping me up. My lips stayed glued together as if I were mute. My mind racing, frame quaking. The strong arms holding me close to the owners chest as I finally exhaled one word "pathetic". Because I knew that's what I was that's all I was. I heard the door shut as it shut I closed my eyes to be consumed by a black abyss.

Todorki's pov

I rocked her body in my arms. Damnit how did this happen was it me well obviously it was. I wish I knew sooner, and what was it that she said pathetic. I wonder what that was about. There was commotion downstairs I know I caused this maybe I should leave. This was afterall just a beautiful daydream even if it was for a short while. I got her situated on the bed putting my sweatshirt nearby. She probably didn't need it silly to think she would. I can still dream though. I gathered my belongings reaching for the door. I was ready to turn the handle, but she's, she's, she's whimpering. No she's crying before I could ration with myself my instincts kicked in. I pulled her close kissing her forehead and cradling the back of her head, her face nuzzled into the crook of my neck. Her whole frame relaxing into mine.

Mizuko's pov

The black abyss consumed me but softened in his arms it remained warm. All at once a coldness consumed me (⚠️ gets dark). The once warm arms turning to cold tendreles of darkness taking me and plunged right through my body. Through my sides back legs and head. I cried and cried but the tendreles gave no pitty only whimpers escaping (end⚠️). As quick as the tendreles came they disapated and the abyss became light. My body repaired and glowed. I softly opened my eyes. I tilting my head weakly up to the face of my savior a small distance between our faces. I leaned my forehead to his. My saviors breath hitched. I locked eyes with him and reality rushed in. I jumped not so gracfully knocking foreheads with his. Bruises forming as my butt hits the ground I lose my breath for a moment.
"I'm sorry I was just leaving I apologize for any issues I have caused you" Sho says shooting up from his place.
" NO" ..... "no don't leave.. please" I sniffed standing up and standing in front of him omly inches apart. My phone begins to ring.
"Don't move" my stare full of authority and hopefulness.
"Hello?" (M)
" Hey Mizuko " the man on the other end sounding sheepish.

"Hello Izuku what are you calling about?" I stayed blunt and breif with him my tone not as sweet as it has been with todo.
" I I (he takes a deep breath his voice still raspy) I am sorry yesterday that was out of place, and not only that but also out of character. I feel horrible about making you get in the middle of that. I wasn't thinking straight but thats no excuse. Even though I am now your fiance that never gave me the right. Especially since our current status is relatively new. I do hope that you can forgive me." His raspy voice making the apology almost seem more meaningful less rush his voice sounding more thoughtful I sighed.
"I forgive u Izuku, but I hope in the future you will come to me first with your concerns rather than take on jealous emotion. Along with taking them out in a physical manner. I care for you but it hurts to see to people I care about being so aggressive and hateful towards one another." I say the sweetness dribbling slowly into my voice.
"Thank you I was also wondering if you wanted to come with me next weekend to meet my mother officially. If you are busy I fully understand." His voice sounding more hopeful than sad now.
"I believe I am free." My frame stiffens what if his mom hates me.
"GREAT ... I mean that sounds goof I mean good sorry" I giggle softly.
"Sounds good. Goodbye Izu" I hang up.

Todoroki's POV

I saw the way she was smiling by the end of the call she did really care for him.
"Mizo I have to go actually" my eyes trained to stay placed on my shoes I can't look at her eyes they'll beg me to stay. Is that such a bad thing though maybe I should. Why am I lying am I jealous. NO she's just a friend a beautiful, kind, and caring one. I hear her shoes moving closer to mine. Her hands slowly making their way around my waist. Her lips making contact at the nape of my neck. Shivers spreading like electricity across my body. My mind starts racing how does she have this kind of control over me.
"Do you have to shouto is it your dad, I could talk to him" her fingers rubbing small circles into my skin.
"Is it me" her fingers stop for a breif moment. I subconsciously intertwine our fingers.
"No it's not you". She shivered aggressively. I whip around in her arms.
"Hey what's wrong are you ok" I look into her eyes she looks she looks just startled. She starts laughing holding onto me.
" yes sho I'm fine just cold" She smiles up at me. I soften smirking.
"Let's fix that then. I have so many great ways to fix that" her whole face heats up she's blushing. " I think cuddling is the best or we could go on run I think option one is better."
"Oh .... yes I I like option one"

Hey everyone how have you been. I hope doing well if not that's ok too<3. I hope you like the chapter I'm sorry I didn't get this out as soon as I has wanted to but I hope it was worth the wait til next chapter my dears.<3

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