Saturday One Sweet Trip Around Town pt1

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Thx to one of my many amazing readers you all will be getting two new chapters. I have been pretty sick these past few days so I haven't had much to do anyways. Let's move into this my lovely and enchanting readers <3.KarmicnKnight9439

Todoroki's Pov

I woke up after we had fallen back asleep the sun must have been risen for a while due to the amount of light seeping and soaking into my surroundings. I looked at the time to see it was 8 am. I looked down at my perfect angel her eyes still slightly puffy from last nights ordeal. With my right hand I took to softly tracing and massaging her face. This was all in hope to lessen her puffiness. During this act I began to take her features in further.
I adore everything about her she is gorgeous. Even her skin glows just as if she were an actual angel. Her eyes slowly began to open the gold in her eyes complimenting beautifully with the suns rays. She smiled softly leaning her head into my hand and cupping my hand with hers.
"Goodmorning sho"
My heart skipped a beat at the adoring pet name. She placed her ear on my chest and giggled.
"Your heart is beating so fast" She tapped along with the beat with her other hand on my arm. Her giggles filled the air and my smile grew. How was I so lucky. Without a second thought I kissed her on the cheek. This caused her giggles to stop but just until she kissed my cheek.

Mizuko pov

I untangled myself from his arms. I watched as he stretched his long arms. Dang he is strong how did I always manage to forget that. I only ever noticed on mornings like these when he would stretch and his muscles contracting and he... well he was just gorgeous. I stood up turning to him.
"hey I have to go pack up do you still want to come?".
His smile grew big as he nodded.
"I just have to call my father to notify him where I'll be."
I watched his soft features turn rigided at even the needed mention of that... that monster. I just softly nodded and went to his door before I could even touch the handles there were arms around me.
"I know I'll see u soon but I hate it when you leave"
He said as he hugged me goodbye. My cheeks were bright red at the show of affection. I was so lucky to have him. He held me there for a few minutes before sighing. His soft embrace loosening before he could fully break away I spun around and embraced him.
"Thank you shoto"
His frane softened into me and he smiled kissing the top of my head.
"Anytime mizo now we better get packed so we're on time"
I smiled and nodded and walked more like ran to my room in excitement.

Todoroki's pov

It's time to go I guess. I have my suitcase other than the call I had to make today is great. My father being who he is didn't even answer the phone he never does. Although that doesn't matter at least he knows. I also sent my mom an email to keep her updated since I probably wouldn't have the chance to visit.  I don't know if she'll care, but I like to think she does. I walk down the stairs with each step slowly chipping away a small amount of weight that always somehow ended up laid as heavy unmovable cemet on my shoulders.
I get to be with her all weekend. My beautiful fairy. I hope she's just as excited. I quiet my steps as I see her sat on the coach. No matter how small the task is she always looks beautiful doing it. I quietly walk up behind her. Pulling her into a tight hug to my dismay she quickly jumped into action about punching me.
She stops long enough to realize it is me she gasps and runs to me.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry did I hurt you are you ok I didn't know I'm sorry just"
She rambles on worriedly her hand caressing my cheek where she would have hit. I couldnt help it as I break out into laughter. She stiffens and then relaxes gripping onto me.
"I'm sorry sho I didn't mean to"
I smile and hold her.
"It's ok mizo let's just go ok"
I reassure her as I grab her hand and lead her to the door. We walk out to see a car waiting. Looking puzzled she glanced up at me I knew who sent it. The butler rolls down the window and indicates we should get in. I nod and start walking but she stays stuck.
"Hey its ok I know him my father probably sent him he doesn't like when I walk in public without one of his persanel he won't hurt us"
Her body staying tense she walks alongside me her grip having tightenened. I give the driver the address and with that the car pulls away into the direction of her home. We quickly arrive there her mother immediately meeting the car. Her excitement is haulted at the sight of me and her smile waivered I knew she was expecting Izuku in that moment. Mizos hand quickly untwined from mine before her mother could see. My hand grew colder and my face dropped. I knew that it would be best this way. We brought our bags into the house. Her father awaiting holding the door open. His face once soft turned stern. They had known of me before I had even been over for many dinners. I knew why they were like this though why the atmosphere had turned cold. It wasn't my doing it was who I wasn't and who they had expected. They welcomed me in nonetheless and had her take me to her room. A small chest awaited my belongings used only for guests.

Mizuko's pov

When I first arrived I was ecstatic but the look one their faces changed that. I knew who they wanted to see me with. They wanted to see my fiance. The call I made this morning to notify them was short all I told them was a friend from school would be coming to help me through the night. They knew of my recent nighterrors as I was fairly close with them. After I had shown todoroki my room I rushed downstairs. I knew they were looking for an explanation.
"Mother father (I bowed my head) I'm sorry I didn't give u more information over the phone its just" my voice quickly fell off as I met eyes with my fathers his voice cut like a knife every word opening the wound bigger. Leaving me vulnerable.
"Why isn't it izuku he's your fiance is he not?" My father's stern voice just quiet enough not to carry.
"He is but I don't" He quickly cut me off
"But you don't what exactly" I silently shook my voice quientening.
"But I don't know him like I know sh... todoroki he and I. Well he knows about the night terrors and me and izuku had a fight. So I didn't see it fitting to. Well to invite him. I'm sorry I know I've disappointed you both." My head sank and I shriveled in my place feeling ashamed as if I had committed a crime.
"What's done is done we don't mind the boy u know this but in the future you better make a more purposeful try at getting closer with your fiance understood" I nod frantically making eye contact just for a moment to show my father I understood.
"I promise" my tongue knotted and tangled as I softly padded my way to my room.

Hello my lovlies I will have part two out as soon as possible I love u all and hoped u enjoyed the chapter and I hope you all know your loved and cared about have a good day or evening. _<3

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