The talk

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"We know you might not agree with us but we ask that you listen to us all the way through before you decide" my mother asked trying to be polite but stern.  Which concerned me but I decided I better just hear them out. "Sure" I answered them skeptically. This is when my father took the reins of the conversation. " Do you know the new uprising star at you're school UA. Izuku?". "Of course" I answered confusion tinging my answer. My phrasing and words coming out jumbled and impatient.  "Good now no more talking unless you are asked to answer. So do you remember in what way your grandparents were married how they had an arranged marr..." . "Yeah of course I do. How is any of that prevalent to this conversation. I apologize I wasn't suppose to speak i'll stay silent now" I blurted still feeling incredible impatient and worried. Then my mother spoke sweetly despite my response. "Well you're friends with him right ... wait don't answer that I already know you are not close by any mean but u know that's how things are sometimes but you know who he is and he's in your class so *mutter mutter. I apologize i'm rambling. What I mean is the Midoriya family has offered to have their son marry you. I know your already aren't fond of the idea but it's important and an amazing offer so please just say yes. Snowflake you know we love you right and this wasn't our first choice it's just our best choice ". As she came to an end of speaking I was forced to make my choice. In that moment  thoughts began to blast through my mind the only thing that was important though was. We love u and we know you hate this and but its important. I know they wouldn't ask unless it was really important right or have me do it for that point either. So I knew my answer.

Sorry again guys I will try and make these chapters longer.

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