ice cream and friends

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Hello lovelies I wanted to say thank u for reading. I hadn't been on wattpad and was thinking I should update my readers cause I know I hate slow updating but I wouldn't push anyone yk. I got on and holy Crap I'm impressed with how many people started reading. But I will get into it now hope u enjoy lovelies.

Uraraka pov

I was walking with Iida and knew we were late so I told Iida we should start fast walking. Which we quickly started doing. But before we get there I stopped Iida and pointed at 2 people who were holding hands and were looking so gosh darn adorable. "Iida look at the cute couple aren't they adorable" I stated. Iida slowly turned his head and adjusts his glasses " I agree but I believe in fact that is Midoriya and Wadsworth" with no expression changes just his normal serious one. "Wait really " as I look closer I identify Izukus green hair "Oh my gosh it totally is we should leave them be for a bit. come on Iida I wanted to check out this store any ways". I then grab Iidas hand and pulled him to a store we had just passed. "Ok slow down Uraraka" a startled Iida stated covering his blush with his free hand.

Iidas pov

So after me and Uraraka were in the store we looked around for a little while just perusing the store looking at all the items. We then left heading back to the ice cream parlor. As I was readjusting my glasses I saw Midoriya on the bench next to a long haired female maybe. whoever it was they were laying on Midoriyas shoulder. "Hey Uraraka there's Midoriya" turning her head she started yelling to Midoriya he turned around and waved. Then slowly started lightly shaking the other figure.

Wadsworths pov

After me and Izu sat down I drifted off. Soon enough I felt a light shaking. Yawning not realizing where I was I stretched my arms to settled around the neck of someone or maybe a pillow all I knew was I was comfy. I soon nuzzled into the figure bringing my knees close to my body. *yawn and mumbles "warm mmm and comfy" I soon peeked my eyes open. Looking up I see a flustered Izu stroking my hair being very gentle. I turned a light pink realizing I was curled up in Izus lap laying my head on his chest and arms wrapped around his neck I then burry my face further into his chest from embarrassment I hear a giggle and feel Izu kiss me on the head and nuzzle into my wavy hair. But then I hear another set of giggles. "You guys are so cute awww" I heard a voice in front of us say. I believe I jumped 10 feet in the air . "Gahh" I yelled as I fell onto the concrete "umph well that was painful" I say as I stand up and dust myself off and my now scraped bleeding knees. I shake it off as nothing. As I look up I realize it was Uraraka who startled me and see Iida standing right next to her " ohh hey how much did you guys see". Iida straighten himself and states blatantly "um I would say all of it". I start blushing insanely hard I felt a sting in my legs I must've of landed harder than I thought I try not to acknowledge the pain but of course the sweet cinnamon roll is always worried about others. So right as I was thinking that Izu gasps "Angel are u ok" he jumps up from the seat he was in momentarily before. He kneels down and looks at my knees more closely and jumps up and runs to the ice cream place and asks for a some wet paper towels. And in the process Uraraka ushers me over to the bench. I see the lady hand Izu something along with the paper towels.

Izu pov

I sit next to my angel and grab her legs gently and pull them on top of my legs. I grab one of her free hands stoking her hand and gently clean up her bleeding knees. I start appling on some neosborne (u know the stuff in first aid kits the yellow bottles). After having done that I realize her right knee is still slowly bleeding and realize she has a gash on that knee. I put the large bandaid the lady had nicely gave me on her right knee. Forgetting Iida and Uraraka were right there I lightly kissed the bandaid on her right knee. "Ok all better" I said to my angel who was a light shade of pink. She responded sweetly " Thank u Izu although I'm not a kid but I do appreciate it" she finished with a perfect smile. "Now guys let's actually get some ice cream what does everyone want I'm paying". I announce. My Angel opposed "no way u have gone too to much trouble for me" she stated insistently. "Fine" I answered her back "but I'm going to go grab them all its only 4 so if u hand me the cash I'll go get them how bout that". She smiled happily "You have got yourself a deal I'll have mint chip" she said well handing me 4. Little did she know it was actually ten  but she wasn't paying for all of it Uraraka gave me a knowing look. Uraraka wanted strawberry and Iida wanted vanilla and I got pistachio. After I got done handing everyone their ice cream. We all sat down on the bench. I sat next to my angel we were contently eating ice cream. When the others weren't looking I felt someone link fingers with mine. As I looked down I saw her holding my hand. I smiled to myself and kept eating my ice cream. After that Uraraka and Iida went home and Izu took me to the beach.

There you go my lovelies hope u enjoyed goodbye

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