Mizukos' answer

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"Mom could you answer one thing for me please. How important is this for our family?" I asked her sincerity trickling its sweetness into my voice. " Well his Family told us that this alliance with the strength and smarts within our two families. This could be one of the best alliances to go down in history. Also they promised us they would make sure our grand babies will be protected and also that they would watch over you snowflake". My mother finished with a smile. After I had a quick moment to take in that information I addressed my mother "Wait why would my  future children need protection"? I asked complete confusion wrapping its way around my voice. "Well remember sweetheart how were kinda top heroes . Well we have special protection because, people want to hurt us and our family as directly as possible. Likeeeee ....... ohhh do remember last month when we went on that vacation well..  it was actually because, our servalance team had warned us ahead of time of rumors of somebody wanting to hurt us. There were also a few written threats and those threats were fulfilled we just weren't there to be hurt".

My mother responded. "Alright as long as it doesn't happen till after school ends". I replyed still not to fond of the idea of not being able to choose my significant other.
" ohh goodie thank you snowflake. We haven't yet set up a date for all of us to meet but it should be soon"Mom added. well I thought to myself at least I know him he seems nice well talk more later I guess 😒.

I swears on my life after next chapter I will make the chapters longer. After next chapter the first couple were short for a reason but i'm still really sorry.

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