Chapter 26

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Mysterious guy's POV

Oh would you look at that!

They're reuniting.

What joy!

Blasted demigods!

Ruining my plans!

I took a whole year for that plan but nooooo they had to escape from Isabella.

Now they're just talking and having fun.


How dare they!

Oh they will regret ruining everything!

They will wish they got captured.

They will pay!

I will need help.

Maybe I could manipulate one of those pesky demigods.


Kronos tried that, look what happened to him.

Maybe someone from that Chaos army.


They're stronger than the demigods, they resist more.

Can't have too much trouble.

Maybe Isabella.

No, she too would want the rewards.

She would work to get it no matter what.

No matter, she is too naïve, young.

But she too is vengeful and that is a good thing.

It blinds you, revenge.

You wouldn't see light until you've achieved your goals.

When it is done, you would only witness that most of what you've done is for nothing.

She would be a good choice but no.

She is too stubborn.

She always wants her way.

That is only happening to one person and it's me!

The best person for the job would be Annabeth but she would never do it.

Even if I kill her, she would never do it.

Hmmmm who else?

"Ahhh, looks like it's a change of plan boys. We won't ask for anyone's help." I said with a devious smile on my face.

It looks like I'll be getting my revenge after all.

Hey guys! I really hope you liked it! I'll try to update soon!

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