Chapter 11

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Wassup people? Leo flaming Valdez in da house! Yes it is I! The greatest of the great, the best of the best, the awesomest of the awesome the- okay sorry that might be overboard but yes it is I, the Supreme Commander of the Argo 2 as most of you know me.

Yes this means I am NOT dead! I also managed to rescue my beautiful girlfriend Calypso. Yeah baby! Team Leo for the win!

Now after all I have done, I can't gave some peace and quiet not even a little! I mean seriously? I was just casually working on a new suit of armor made out of drakon skin. I know it's gonna be awesome. It'll make the person wearing it unstoppable! I can't even have a little amount of time to work on it!

While I was working on it in the cabin, these crazy amount of questions came at me. Dear gods what the Hades is going on here?


"Repair Boy!"


"I'm gonna kill you!"

"You better run!"

"You are so dead!"

Suddenly all my old friends froze earth crushed me in a bear hug. Literally Frank just turned into a bear. Heh heh Frankie the bear. Heh heh kinda sounds like Frankenstein. I met him in planet Madori last year. Stupid ADHD! Getting me off track.

"Umm Hi" was my intelligent response

"Why didn't you tell us?" Demanded Piper

Oh damn it!

"Uh well.... You see.... There was this.... Uh.... Uh.... Wait a minute who told you this?"

"Umm me?" Said Annabeth. It came out more like a question

"Annabeth" I whined

"Well I've got to go. I need to see Caleb" she said

"Uh fine" I replied

Then she walked to her room to go give Caleb his snack. Annabeth can make some really good cookies. Apparently Percy's mom told her how to make them. They are to die for!"

"Save me a cookie!" I called out to her

"Yeah yeah" she replied

"Look guys I really wanted to tell you. Believe me I did. It's just that the gods would have killed us unless we went to Chaos. Because we have the blessing of the royal family courtesy of Annabeth the gods can't kill us. The only condition was I couldn't tell you guys. Only someone in the royal family could tell you guys. I'm sorry" I explained

"It's okay I guess. As long as you're alright" said Piper

"Yeah glad you're not dead Repair Boy" said Jason

Then all of them enveloped me in a bone crushing hug.

"Leo are you-" my beautiful girlfriend was cut off when she realized what we were doing. Quickly, I pulled away from the hug to introduce them to her.

"Hey Sunshine! These are my friends Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Thalia and Nico." I told her

"Guys this is Calypso."" I said

Calypso looked at me with a confused look on her face.

Annabeth I mouthed to her.

"Guys me and Hazel have to go back to Camp Jupiter. We told Reyna we were going to help her sort out some problems with the Mars and Hermes kids. Apparently they launched a prank war."said Frank

Hazel gave me a huge hug and said "Stay safe Repair Boy. Don't disappear again" she joked and left the cabin

Then Frank gave me a bro-hug and said "Later Leo"

"Bye!" All of us chorused

"So whatcha making?" Asked Thalia

"Oh just a new suit of armor made out of drakon skin" I told them

"Whoa won't that make the person wearing it unstoppable?" Asked Percy

"Yeah" I said

"I want one!" Screamed Thalia, Percy and Nico

"Hey I asked first!" They said in unison

"No I did" they screamed

"Nuh uh" said Nico

"Please I so did first!"said Thalia

"Come on everyone knows that I did" said Percy

"Yeah right!"said Nico


Wow some things never change do they? When will they ever stop fighting?

"Wait what?" I said

Annabeth rolled her eyes "Just make one for each of them so they'll stop fighting"

"Fine" I said

"YES!!!" they screamed

"Hey! Stop copying me"they screamed in unison

"No you stop copying me!"


"You! Yes you!"

"Stop it!"

"Nun uh! Not if you don't!"

"That's it! I'm so out of here"

With that they stormed out of the cabin.

"Bye guys" they chorused

"Ugh not again!" They screamed

Then all of us burst into a fit of laughter.

I started laughing so hard I actually fell down. By now there were tears streaming down our faces.

"Those three will never change will they?"said Annabeth

"Nah" we all chorused

Then we burst into another round of laughter.

Hey guys sorry it took a while. Don't worry I'll put some action into the next chapter. I'll try to update soon. No promises!

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