Chapter 9

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Luke POV

"So, the plan is that omega, Gemma and I will not be on the front lines leading you but Fire and Flower will. The Athena Cabin will expect the best fighters on the front line since we are outnumbered because they also have the hunters but clearly they do not do our strengths and fortunately for yes we know their weaknesses" said Annabeth with a mischievous smile on her face. That's not too bad. Who am I kidding it's Annabeth we are talking about here.

"Forge and Dove you will lead a diversion on the left flank of the forest. Use some of the traps we just designed. Arrow and Angel will lead a diversion on the right flank of the forest" she continued

"Doom and Bust you guys will protect the flag."

"Omega, Gemma and I will find their flag"

"Everyone got it?" She asked. She got nods in reply. That is one good plan. We are going to win this thing. We are the blue team and they are the red team.

The conch horn blew

"Are you ready?" Asked Annabeth

They started cheering in reply

"Blue team for the win" I shouted

Then we burst out of the cabin cheering like wild animals. Startling some of the campers, more like most if the campers.

Then we waited in the forest as Chiron explained the rules.

"You have five minutes to get into positions" said Chiron. Finally, you can't keep a camp full of ADHD people waiting.

All of us made a mad dash to our places. Annabeth, Zoe and I made our way to the middle of the forest.

Then the conch horn blew signaling the start of the game.

Then, all Chaos broke loose.

There was mass fighting everywhere. Soldiers were fighting against the campers but the hunters were no where to be found. Annabeth, Zoe and I slashed, parried rolled and stabbed. Slowly we inched our way to Zeus fist where the fighting died down.

There was dead silence. There was a flash of red. The flag. No it's too easy. The hunters should be here. Oh shit, I don't remember seeing Percy. He must be here.

Suddenly, there was a crash. No way. Speak of the devil. I had a hard time containing my laughter and I could tell Zoe and Annie was having a hard time too. What happened you might ask. Well, Percy. Percy Jackson. Fell out of a tree!

He got up blushing like a tomato. Then the hunters decided to drop down gracefully from the trees and it looks like they were trying not to laugh too. Then they spotted us. We were outnumbered. Then again we've fought an army of thousands. Yup you heard me right. It was just the three of us too. We can do this.

Then we attacked. They were putting up a good fight but we aren't gonna give up that easily. No way in Hades. Slowly, we were starting to win. Now it was just Annabeth fighting Percy but that was expected. Zoe made a mad dash and grabbed the flag. I turned to cover her. I looked back to see if Annabeth was alright. It looks like Percy was distracting her alright.

He was leaning down, going for a kiss but she saw that and quickly judo flipped him. That's my Annie! Then she quickly ran towards us. We ran and crossed the creek. We had won. Everyone on our team started cheering. The three of us were lifted onto our teammates shoulders.

When I turned around, I saw Annabeth laughing at Percy. He was blushing so hard, he looked like a tomato. Then Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Thalia and Nico walked away towards the beach. Probably to catch up over the years. I guess Annie won't be back in our cabin for a while

So sorry guys. I know this was really horrible. I have know idea how to plan a battle strategy or write an actual battle so this is the best I could do. So sorry to disappoint.

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