Chapter 4

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Annabeth POV

As Luke, Zoe and I took a seat, everyone was staring at us. They were looking at me with guilty expressions. Even Chiron was. Thalia opened her mouth to say something. Probably an apology so I cut her off before she could even start because once one person starts, the others would follow suit and I can't handle that right now.

"So, what exactly are we facing in this war?" I asked

"We're not sure."said Percy. Wow he hasn't changed much. Still the same old Seaweed Brain I know and- wait what am I thinking ? He betrayed me when I needed him most. This is not the time for love!

"We're just getting surprise attacks. It comes in armies. Some big, some small. They seem indestructible."said Thalia

"Where are they attacking?" Asked Luke

"Everywhere. They can't be stopped by the barriers. Theses monsters, they seem different. Stronger than before."said Jason. Stronger huh

"Have they attacked Camp Jupiter?"asked Zoe

"Yes. They have."said Jason

"So what are we dealing with here? What type of monsters are invading the camps?" I asked

"If it's a small army than just a drakon and some dracenae. But when it's a big army, it's a drakon, some hellhounds, dracenae and Laistrygonians."said Percy. That doesn't seem too bad but it's still bad though.

"The hunters are staying here to help out"said Thalia

"What's the source of this?" I asked. I seem to be asking lots of questions now. I don't quite like it.

Dead silence.

Nobody knew.

You would think they would know something after two thousand years.

"Wait Percy tell them about the last few attacks" Piper piped up.

"Oh right. During the last few attacks it was different. Bad different. These monsters, they aren't exactly from Greek mythology." said Percy. My mind was whirring.

"Wait What? What do they look like? " I asked

"They kinda look like the empousai. They have one bronze leg but they have a forked tounge. Their skin is really pale. Kinda like snow. Their eyes were red. Glowing red. Boy were they powerful. It took a long time for us to hurt them. Even longer to kill them."said Percy. Oh no. Zoe, Luke and I looked at each other horrified.

"The Mirzas" we said together

"The who?" Asked Jason

"They came back" said Luke

"They're on Earth" I exclaimed

"Oh no. No no no no no." said Zoe

"That only means one thing" said Luke

The both of them were looking at me. A horrified look on their face. I'm pretty sure mine was a mirror image of theirs

"Isabella's back" they exclaimed horrified

We were immediately bombarded with questions but Chiron silenced them.

"Who is Isabella child?" He asked me

"My sister" I stated gravely

So, how was it? I know it sucked. Oh yeah umm requests are excepted. Like if you guys want me to do it in a different persons point of view or something. So thats it for now. Byeee

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