Chapter 3

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Annabeth POV

After I blatantly ignored my 'friends' Athena and I walked towards the garden of Demeter. Which I designed by the way. It looked fabulous with the help of her children for the choice of plants.when we stopped walking, Athena embraced me in a hug.

"I misses you sis" she said

"I missed you too" I replied

Athena visited us on our planet every one in a blue moon. Literally, she only came during our planets blue moon. When she would come, we would do everything together. But most of our time was spent in the library. That was mostly expected. Our library is pretty awesome with our mum being a chaotic goddess of divine knowledge.

"So how's things here on earth?" I asked her

"It's fine. It could get quite boring sometimes but I must tell you. Poseidon and I got married" she exclaimed happily

"WAIT WHAT!!!" I screamed

"How come I never knew of this?" I demanded

"It just never came up" she replied

"I must know why you actually came back to earth." She said curiously. Damn it I thought she wouldn't ask that

"Well actually I didn't wanna come" I confessed. Athena nodded like she expected it

"But dad talked to me and here I am" I told her

"I think I better get going. The others are going to be wondering and they might even send a search party knowing Luke and Zoe. They are so protective! Gods would that be embarrassing" I said

Athena laughed at me and pulled me into one last hug

"Bye sis" she said then she flashed out

I closed my eyes and concentrated. There was a bright blinding light. My back arched and my wings burst through. Ah that feels good it's been a while since I've let them be free.

I was dressed like a princess. I also had some armor on. It was silver with gold rimmed at the end. It also had a hard, smooth diamond in the middle. It was only a breastplate though. I wouldn't want to be flying heavy. It was pretty cool though. I'm kinda proud of it.

I started running and hen I took off into the sky. In a matter of minutes I landed in camp. When I looked down everyone was staring at me in awe, fear and a little bit of guilt.

The soldiers had already set up the cabin. It might look small but that was the outside. On the inside it was a mansion. The wonders of technology. I landed right in front of it and I changed back to normal. Luke and Zoe was standing in front of me.

"Annie what took you so long" asked Luke. The both of them looked like they were about to have a panic attack.

"Guys chill I was only talking to my sister." I said

"Where's Caleb" I asked

"He's having a nap" replied Zoe

"Let's go to the big house. Chiron called for a meeting. It's too discuss the threat" said Luke

"Fine" I said reluctantly. Ugh I have to face them again

So how was it? I know it was really short but my mum took away my iPad so I have to find time to steal it so I can update. I hope you guys liked it though.

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