let's get together

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hey! before we get into this, i do unfortunately have to put in a few trigger warnings.
tw for:
abuse mention
eating disorder mention
suicide mention
if i missed any please let me know and i will add them.
also, as a note, i put the dates in specifically because i headcanon them as being about my age for the sake of simplicity, so in this universe they graduate in 2019 (also yes, one of the days mentioned is my birthday). i am aware things i've mentioned previously don't totally mesh with this timeline and it might mess up the canon timeline, but shhhhhh. if you think different, feel free to ignore the dates.

Janis first thinks she might be in love with Cady Heron on April 21, 2018.

Cady had missed her art show. She had lied to her face, said she couldn't come. She was supposed to be out of town. And now they're screaming at each other in the middle of the sidewalk for the whole neighborhood to see.

Janis doesn't really know why she feels the way she does. If, say, Damian missed one of her shows, she'd be disappointed, sure. If he lied about what he was supposed to be doing while he missed her art show, she'd be angry, and hurt. She is now, but it feels more intense for some reason.

It's not until Cady yells, "It's not my fault you're, like, in love with me or something!" that it finally hits her. Janis feels her chest go cold. Because Cady might be right. She feels tears tracking down her face now, tries to choke back sobs.

She vaguely hears Damian holler, "Oh NO she did not," and the beeping of the Jazzy reversing. Janis storms over to grab her painting from the basket, throwing it to Cady as hard as she can.

"Here, you can have this. It won a prize," she spits, clapping a hand over her mouth before any sobs can escape.

Cady tries to reach out, calling her name softly, but Janis steps away before she can.

"No, it's fine. Really, it's fine. Go be fine."

She goes over to cling to Damian again, burying her face in his hair and finally letting her cries escape as he drives away. She thinks she hears Cady call her name again, but she can't be sure.

"And I want my pink shirt!" Damian yells loudly behind them, making Janis jump. "Sorry, sweet. Let's get you home."

Janis looks up again for the first time when the Jazzy comes to a stop, surprised to see Damian's house in front of them. "Why- you didn't-" she stutters, confused.

"I'm not leaving you alone after that, Janjan. Come on, let's go in," Damian says, grabbing her hand and leading her in. "I gotta go put the Jazzy in the garage, you go change."

She trudges heavily up to his room, still crying gently. She has a pair of pajamas that she keeps at his house in case of emergency, but she just takes the bottoms and one of his big sweatshirts instead. She needs the comfort and he won't mind.

She moves to the bathroom to take of her makeup, then back downstairs to wait for Damian to come back. She finds his mom instead, waiting for them in the kitchen.

"Hey, honey, how did it- oh, darlin', what happened?" She asks, reaching out for a hug but not forcing it. Janis just sinks into her arms and bursts into sobs again. Ms. Hubbard hushes her gently and rubs her back, holding her so close. Janis is thankful, she could use a mom right now and Ms. Hubbard is second only to her own.

"I don't-I can't talk about it right-right now," She chokes out.

"I understand, hon. Shh," Ms. Hubbard soothes. Damian comes back at this point and takes over the hug so his mom can move again. "What kind of milkshakes do y'all want?"

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWhere stories live. Discover now