Hurt from the past pt.2

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I woke up with my heart feeling heavy and my eyes filled to the brim with tears

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I woke up with my heart feeling heavy and my eyes filled to the brim with tears.Our brother was there for a good majority of our preteen to early teenage years since our father still hadn't returned and since he became a father of his own, we tried to help each other out.

Messiah entered our world just a short time after our dad left. Sahvin had gotten his girlfriend of three years, Jamiya, pregnant which led to him getting cussed out by our auntie but it also brought some joy to a family that was lacking that at the time, Hali even started talking again. We were happy or as happy as we could be at that time until he died. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

He was on his way to get Messiah when a truck crashed into him. He was somewhat responsive when he was in the hospital but his chances of living were very slim. We didn't make it to the hospital fast enough to hear his last words but the doctors said that he said to ,"make sure they take care of my girls."

I saw the look of total loss hit Jamiya just as it did my father and the numbness start to set in with my sister. She hated the world and everything that came with it. She started to act up, stay out late, and that's when she got real heavy into the street life but she still managed to never bring that home with her. Jamiyah was different though, she would just not talk about it and spend as much time focusing on Messiah and raising her until one day she decided that she couldn't.

She exited in a far less favorable way than my father did and it has fucked with Messiah ever since along with my sister. She branded our bad luck with the people in our lives as the king's curse, whoever gets close to us either leaves or dies. I think that's her true reason for never getting serious with anyone because of that fear and I can't lie and say I don't have that same fear myself.

I get up and go to the bathroom and see my disheveled appearance and tear stained face. I wiped those tears and stripped myself of the clothes from the night before.

I had came straight home from work and just crashed, jeans and everything, that's how tired I was. I quickly hop in the shower scrubbing away all of the horrible thoughts that plagued my mind and dried off, slipping into some boy shorts and a tank top.

I hadn't planned on going back to sleep straight away after that so I checked my phone only to see that I missed a call and message from Cristiano. Our date was only in a few hours but I wanted to hear his voice. It was about four something in the morning though so I wasn't going to call him back but I at least sent back a text to alert him that I saw his message and that I didn't mean to text him back this late. I went to exit out of my messages and in no less than two minutes I got a reply back.

Ivory💚: Do you have any food related allergies?


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