Here comes trouble

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"Can you stop fucking looking at me?," I asked as Zel stared a whole into my head

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"Can you stop fucking looking at me?," I asked as Zel stared a whole into my head. We were reviewing the information that Sykeil and Nevaeh gave to them, well it was more like she was reviewing while he watched her.

"So I can't look at you now?," he said and she smirked hearing that, she loved and hated that line. Hated that it was so common but loved that he uses it so well.

"Not when I'm trying to figure out who wants to kill me."

"Well technically they don't want to kill you but its mandatory when claiming the territory," he stated and I rolled my eyes at him being so literal.

"Either way. What was the use of unblocking a bitch if I still end up with nothing."

"Not nothing sweet face,"he said then pulled out a burner which showed a time and a location," I'm meeting with a few of my russian buddies tomorrow, I'm thinking we give them a little surprise," he said moving close to the point that our faces were almost touching. Since unblocking him, I felt the chemistry that we once had come back in a way that I wasn't ready for. Not with him, not right now.

"I rather not. I've been on one to many suicide mission with you."

"You made it out alive though, didn't you?"

"Just barely,"I said and we both smiled until hearing the doorknob. He wasn't bout to pull away because he didn't give a fuck and I didn't either, if we were together again I'd shout for the person on the other in to leave so he could have me on this desk but weren't so I stood up and he sat back down as I saw Jhamar enter with Alizé fine ass not too far behind him.

"So what do we have?," he asked as she sat her pretty ass against my desk. Damn if she ain't have a man I'd be all over that.

"A bunch of nothing and a meeting," I said as Aziel crossed one leg over the other and started to eat the candy out of the bowl I had on the table.

"We goin go?," Alizé asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah we have to but we have to hide, if they know that we are watching them it could get him killed."

"Aww you care bout me?," he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Please shut up, you've been talking since we got here. Don't you have something to do?"

"Yeah I have to source out contacts to make sure you don't die."

"Fair point," I said while he held a smug look on his face," anyway we got to trail behind him not too far to where you can't see and get to him. We are going to need a few people on their roof just in case they want to get crazy, So we need Constance, Ducky, Victoria, Calvin, and Demetrius with that while the rest of us will be split into different vehicles and they can't be anything too obvious."

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