The Aftermath

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This sound of the clock ticking set off my nerves as we waited for an update on Saor's condition

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This sound of the clock ticking set off my nerves as we waited for an update on Saor's condition. On the way here, Ducky checked his pulse and saw that it was weak but his body still held strong to the boy that had him in his arms to the point that we had to drag the boy with us. The boy was too traumatized to reject us and followed us as we carried his body into the truck. He was now In the waiting room with us holding on tightly to the end of his shirt.

"What's your name kid?," I asked him and he was frozen still for a moment realizing where he was and the situation he was in. I could tell her was deciding whether or not he should tell me.


"Would you like a ride home or something?"

" I will walk back after I know that he's OK."

"With what you just encountered, you think that's the safest option for you right now?"

" I don't know but I doubt that going with you will be any safer," he said and in a way, the little shit has a point. The doctor showed up a few moments later after such an uncomfortable silence.

"The bullet missed any vitals organs so he will be ok, but he needs to be here for us to run some test."

"Can we see him?"

"Yeah but only three visitors at a time, we wouldn't want to overwhelm him right now."

"Ok,"I said. Ducky was of course going because he was her brother, along with onyx and I. When we got into the room, Saor chest was covered in Bandages but otherwise he seemed to be ok.

"Don't your goofy ass ever scare me like that again," Ducky said as she smacked the back of his head.

"Bitch," he choked out, " I almost fucking died."

"And I almost killed you for leaving me the fuck."

"Whatever I love you too sis," and Ducky flung her arms around him. She then let go and I saw him focus his attention on the boy next to me," whatchu doing her ocean?"

" names Onyx and I just..uh. Wanted to make sure that you were ok. Now that I know you are I'm uh leaving."

"Already? I didn't even get your number or anything."

"Oh I'll be back tomorrow. I was uh gonna bring a gift basket back with treats from the bakery."

"That would be really nice," ducky said with a smile and the boy nodded and made his way out until Saor spoke up.

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