Chapter three-Getting some sleep and getting read for a bath

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My legs were banged up and I couldn't stand very well. So Roman carried me into his bedroom.

He has a king sized bed in the middle of the room. The bed was dressed with white silk sheets, a red blanket, and a white comforter along with white silk pillow cases in the pillows.

Red curtains that had white detailing hung around the bay window. Red, white and gold pillows sat on the bay windowsill.

A dark oak wood dresser sat against one wall and across from it on the other wall was a dark oak desk. The desk sported different writing utensils and a few notebooks, along with a quite a bit of paper.

Roman sits me on the bed. "I apologize for the mess, especially with my desk. I'm a writer and I've been working on a story or trying too. I just can't get it right." He tells me.

I nod and lay back in the bed. The sheets are a different but wonderful feeling against my skin.

Roman lays down next to me, keeping his distance. I pout some, I wanted pets.

I snuggle against his side, mewing some. He glances down at me before stroking my ears. I purr happily.

Roman smiles and wraps his other arm around me, stilling petting me.

I yawned like a cat, my shape teeth showing. Roman chuckles and rubs my ears. My purrs quieted down some, I was getting tired.

I rolled over on my side. Roman moved his position so his chest is against my back.

I fall asleep rather quickly, surprising.

The following morning, I wake up to an empty bed, besides me.

I stretch and yawn like a cat. I slowly get out of bed. My legs are feeling better, still really sore.

I make my way downstairs. Patton is in the kitchen but I don't see anyone else.

Patton looks over his shoulder at me. "Morning, kiddo!" He calls happily. "How you feelin'?" He asks.

"I'm ok. Still sore." I answer. I pull myself onto the counter and curl into a ball.

Patton chuckles and pets my ears. "Where's the others?" I quiz to him.

"Oh! Logan has work so he's gone. And Roman has to take some papers to a publisher or something. So don't worry, he should be back soon!" Patton tells me.

"Oh, ok." I mumble. My tail sways off the counter. I yawn again, sitting up.

I lick the back of my hand and begin to wipe my ears. I repeat this process multiple times till Patton notices.

He squeals loudly. "Oh my gosh!! You're so cute, kiddo!!" He squeals.

I smile some and continue my bath. See I can bath myself. I don't need water.

Patton sets an apple on the counter close to me. I can't fight the urge, I bat it off. Patton looks at me and placed the apple back.

I bay it off again. Patton laughs and places the apple back again. I knock it off.

It's back! I knock it off again. It comes back! Again off, comes back, off, back, off, back.

Stupid apple!

The front door opens and Roman walks into the kitchen, laughing as I knock that stupid apple off again.

He strokes my ears, distracting me from the apple. I purr and lean into his touch. "Morning, kitty, you sleep good?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I was having good morning till this stupid apple." I glare at the apple. Roman and Patton laugh.

"You know I was the one putting it up there, right, kiddo?" Patton asks me.

"If I knock something off twice and it comes back. I go into "cat-mode" I don't realize your putting it back. All I know is the stupid apple kept coming back. Apples and water, I don't like."

Roman and Patton laugh. "Speaking of baths. You didn't take one last night, I think I should go bathe you, shouldn't I?" Roman asks.

I hiss. "No! I take bathed! Patton watched me!" I shout slightly.

"You said it yourself, kiddo, licking yourself doesn't do all the work." Patton shrugged.

"Man, expose my ass why don't you?" I mutter bitterly.

Roman laughs and picks me up. He carries me to the bathroom.

He sits me on the toilet while he runs the bath water. I hiss at it and make a run it towards the door.

Roman grabs me with his wet hand, pulling me back to him. He sits me in front of him. His dry arm over me so I can't run away.

"Alright, kitty, I'm going to take you clothes off, alright?" He asks. I nod sharply. I don't want a bath!

He undresses me and hold me up over the water. I hiss and meow loudly. "Shh, kitty,"

He tires to dunk me into the water but I squirm. Roman finally sighs. "Virgil," he starts and I stop.

I look at him. "You're taking bath and that's final. I don't have the time to fight with you over this water. Get in the bath, now." He's says sternly.

Despite myself I say, "Yes, master." And sit in the water. Why did I call him master? Good question.

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