Chapter sixteen-Leaving and panic

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It's been a few days now. Janus is still here, bitch. But now he has both Patton and Logan around his finger and working on Roman.

He gets them do everything for him. Everything! None of the others really pay attention to me anymore.

I'm really thinking about leaving. It's clear I'm not wanted. Each day Roman gets closer and closer to Janus.

I cry myself to sleep a lot. Roman doesn't sleep with me, cause Janus is "So scared to be alone!" God, he's pathetic.

After two weeks of the bull. I'm done. I wrote a note saying, "I Can't do this anymore. Ever since that bitch showed up, I'm not important. My own master doesn't have anything to do with my anymore. So Roman go and be Janus' master now." Did I have a place to go? No. Am I winging it in the woods? Yes. If I run into my old master? Oh well.

I leave the note on the dining room table then sneak out the front door.

It's really cold out but oh well. They won't care if I'm gone.

Switch to Roman's Pov

I wake up with Janus next to me. I miss having V with with me. He's my lil kitty but Janus won't shut up if I don't sleep with him.

I get out of bed and find Patton and Logan in the kitchen. Patt is freaking out about something.

"What's going on?" I ask. They look at me.

"Virgil's gone!" Patton yells loudly. He hands me a note and take it.

That little fucking bitch. Making Virgil leave. I stomp off to where Janus is sleeping. I kick the door in scaring Janus awake.

"Master? What's wrong?" He asks so innocently.

"Don't fucking call me "Master"! Because of you! Virgil is gone! I don't know where my kitten is! And it's your fault! So as soon as I find Virgil, I'm kicking your ass out." I yell at him.

"You can't kick me out! I have no where to go!" He yells back.

"I'll send you with my brother." I growl before leaving the room.

I grab my coat and head for the door. "Where are you going, kiddo?" Patton asks.

"To get my Kitty back." I close the door behind me.

Footprints on the ground. Virgil's size shoe. I follow to the footsteps into the woods.

I yell out Virgil's name as I walk.

Back to Virgil's Pov

I lean my back against a tree. I lick the bite wound on my ankle. I lick and lick. Trying to keep from dying. Maybe leaving wasn't the best idea.

Oh if you're wondering, I got snake bit. Funny it's like Janus bit me.

I stop the licking when I hear my name. Again, again, and again. Roman! Master! Oh my god, he came for me.!

I try to stand only to whimper. If I can't get to him, I need to get him to me.

I meow loudly when he yells my name. Each yell I meow.

Footsteps get louder and louder. The yelling gets louder and louder. My meow quiet down some. Shit, the snake bit.

Then a figure, Roman.

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