Chapter twelve-Parents

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N/A: There's Spanish in this. I used google translate for it. I don't know Spanish. But if I'm wrong correct me please.

The lady pulls Roman into a hug. "Hola mamá." Roman says.

"Oh Roman ha pasado tanto tiempo!" The lady says as she holds Roman at arms length.

I didn't know Roman knew Spanish. "Oh, Hijo, who is this?" She asks, gesturing to me.

"Oh, mamá, this is Virgil. He's my neko. Meaning I'm his master." Roman explains.

"Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing!" Roman's mom pets my ears some as she pulls me into a hug.

"My name is Rose Prince. But call me Rose, please." Roman's mom or Rose says.

"Nice to meet you." Rose leads us into the house.

Roman takes me into a bedroom upstairs. "Alright, kitty. My dad works late so he won't be here till late tonight. But my brother, Remus, is coming soon." Roman says.

"Yes, master." Roman sits down on the bed and pulls me into his lap.

"I'm wore out, kitty. Take a nap with me?" Roman says and asks.

"Sure, master." Roman smiles and lays down with me in his arms. He strokes my ears gently.

"You've been such a good kitty today. So proud of you." I purr happily at the praise and snuggle close. 

Roman falls asleep kinda quickly. I run my fingers through Roman's hair.

I'm happy with Roman, he's an amazing master.

After awhile, I guess I fell asleep too cause Rose shook me awake.

"Hey, hunny. You want something to eat? I know Roman won't eat for awhile, and he won't get up and out of bed either. I can go feed you if you want." Rose says.

"No, I'm ok." Rose nods and leaves the room.

I am kinda hungry, but I need master's permission. Just how it works.

Roman begins to stir some. He tightens his grip on me and opens his eyes.

Roman smiles and kisses my forehead. "Hey, kitty. You didn't have to wait here, y'know?"

"I have to have your permission, master. I can't do anything without it." I say.

Roman shakes his head. "Kitty, no. You don't need my permission for anything. Do what you want."

"Are you sure? I don't want to disobey." Roman smiles some.

"Kitty, you won't disobey, do what you want."

"Yes, master." Roman smiles and gets up. He picks me up and carries me downstairs.

"Brother!" A guy shrieks loudly. Roman sets me down quickly before getting tackled by the dude.

"Remus! Get off your brother!" Rose scolded. The guy, Remus, gets off of Roman.

Roman stands up and wraps an arm around me. "Ooo~ Who's the cat?" Remus asks.

"This is Virgil, Remus. He's my kitten, don't touch him." Roman said sternly.

"Mooom! Make him share!!" Remus whined loudly. I moved behind Roman slightly.

"Remus. I'm Virgil's master. I'm not sharing him, he isn't an object." Roman said.

"But! Mom!" Remus said looking towards Rose.

"No. Virgil isn't a thing. Roman is his master. No more." Rose told Remus, sternly.

Remus whined loudly bud dropped it. Roman leads me into kitchen. He sets me on the counter.

"You hungry, kitty?" Roman questions.

"Yes, master." I reply. Roman nods and opens a cabinet.

He looks through it before hollering for his mom, "Mamá! Do we have any cream!?"

Rose walks into the kitchen. "It should be with the soups and stuff, Hijo. Why do you need it?" She says and asks.

"I'm feeding it to Virgil. A treat for him." Roman answers.

Rose smiles and nods. She opens the cabinet Roman opened prior. She pulls out a can of cream.

She opens it with the can openers and hands it to Roman. "Thanks, mamá."

"You're welcome, Hijo." Rose then walks back out of the kitchen.

Roman pours the cream into a bowl and holds it up to me. I part my lips and he tips the bowl some.

After a drink, Roman sets the bowl down. He wipes some cream off my lips.

I begin to lap up the cream. Roman pets me ears and hair as I do.

Once I finish, Roman puts the bowl in the sink and carries me to the living room.

Roman sits down with me on his lap. I snuggle into him as he holds me close.

"Romaaan!" Remus whines loudly. "I wanna hold him! Let me hold him!"

"No. You're not touching him." Roman says. Remus pouts in return.

I giggle some and hide my face in Roman's neck. Roman strokes my ears gently.

The front door opens and a man walks in. "Hey, dad." Roman greets.

"Hey, boys. Who's the cat?" Roman's dad asks.

"This is Virgil, dad. I'm his master." Roman replies.

"I see, Names James. Nice to meet you." Roman's dad or James says.

"You too, sir." I respond. James joins us in the living room, Rose coming a few minutes later.

I purr quietly as the four talks. I eventually fall asleep to Roman petting me.

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