Chapter seventeen-Found

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Roman! He rushes over to me. He picks me up and holds me. "Oh my god, Virgil, baby!"

I whimper and lift my foot off the ground. "What happened, kitten?"

"Snake bite. Master, I wanna go home. I'm sorry for running away. I just thought you guys didn't want me anymore."

"Baby, no. I'll carry you home. But promise me you won't run away again." Roman said.

"I-I promise, master." I lean against Roman. He picks me up, carrying me back home.

I curl against him, whimpering softly. "Don't worry, baby. I got you. I'll get you home and Logan will get the bite taken care of. Do you know what snake it was?"

"A Janus." Roman laughs and shakes his head. "I don't know. It hurt, a lot."

"Alright, kitty. Do you know if it was venomous?" He asks.

I nod, "I licked it. As long as it gets treated soon I'll be ok." I explain.

"Ok, baby. Logan will treat you." The house shows in the distance. I smile some and grip onto Roman tighter.

When we reach the house, Roman quickly carries me into Logan's office/home doctor place.

"You found him, wonderful. Is he hurt anywhere?" Logan asks once I'm placed on the table.

"Snake bit." Roman answers. Logan nodded and rolled over in his chair.

"Where at?" I point to my ankle. Logan nods, "Did you lick at it?" I nod. "Alright, I'll have to get you throw up before I continue."

Logan grabs a plastic comb. "What are going to do with that?" Roman asked.

"Cats hate this sound. Makes them gag, do it enough, they'll throw up." Logan says.

Roman nods, "I can't do throw up, so I'll wait outside. Come get me when your done."

"Master," I whimper. Roman smiles gently at me, kissing my forehead.

"I'll be right outside, kitten. It'll be ok, I promise." Roman tells me before leaving.

Logan smiles some at me. He takes his finger down the comb making my gag.

He does this a few times, putting a bucket in front of me.

After multiple times of raking the comb, I finally throw up into the bucket. Logan rubs my back as I do.

"Good job, Virgil. Alright, Roman! You can come in now!" Logan shouts.

Roman comes back in, sitting next to me. I latch onto him as soon as he sits down.

"Hey there, baby." Roman coos as he strokes my ears.

Logan starts doctoring the bite. Takes out any extra venom. "It seems it was a copperhead. Which is better than a rattlesnake, so you're lucky there."

Roman holds me close as Logan finishes. "I want to check through out the next few days, alright?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, ok." I answer. Logan wraps my foot. Roman picks me up after Logan says I'm done. He carries me into the living.

"Virgil, kiddo!" Patton yells, taking me out of Roman's arms and holding me.

"Patton..." Janus mumbles, sadly. Patton waves him off.

"Can we give that thing to Remus?" I ask. Patton and Roman laugh.

"I called Remus early. That's where he's going." Patton says. I smile and purr.


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