Chapter seven-Snack time and findin' the claw problem

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I sit on the counter as Roman adds oil to the pan before dropping the fish in.

It sizzles in the pan and I purr. I haven't had fish in a long long time. I jump off the counter and walk over to Roman. I wrap my hands around Roman's bicep gently.

"Hey, kitty." Roman says as he looks down at me. I just purr and nuzzle him.

"Pats?" I ask, earning a chuckle.

"Can't. I'm cooking, kitty. Go ask Patton, he'll gladly pet you." Roman says. I whine some but nod.

I liked it when Roman petted me but Patton will do, I guess.

Patton and Logan shared a room but Logan was in his office working.

I knocked on the door and Patton yelled "Come in!"

I open the door. "Heya, kiddo! What's up?"

I sit on the bed where he's folding clothes. "Roman's cooking and I want pets." I complain.

Patton laughs, "Well then I guess I'll have to take his place and give you pets, then won't I?"

I nod quickly and lay down. Patton laughs and sits next to me. He pets my ears gently and I erupt into purrs.

Patton coos at me before the door opens. Logan stepped in. "So this is what the rumble sound was. Greetings, Virgil."

"Hi, Logan." Logan sat in a rolling chair at his desk.

"Patton told me you had something wrong with your claws? Elaborate please."

"My old master was abusive. I guess during a beating he messed my hands up." I explained.

Logan rolled over in the chair. "May I see your hand? I'll see if I can find the problem without x-raying it."

I gave him one of my hands and he took it in his. He feels around at the joints then where my claws go when they aren't out.

The door opened and Roman walked in. "Salutations, Roman. I suppose that's for Virgil. Feed it to him, I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with his hand." Logan said.

Roman nodded and sat next to me. "Hey, kitty."

"Hi, RomAn." I yelped in the middle of the word. Logan nodded and muttered a quick apology.

"I believe I've found the problem. Let me see the other hand to make sure." I handed my other hand to him.

Roman began to feed me the fish. I purr happily at the taste. I let out a small, happy meow.

I yelp again and Logan nodded once more. "As I thought. Your old master seemed to brake or fracture the main joint that retracts your claws. It should be an easy surgery, that is you'll let me work on it." Logan explained.

I nodded with a small whimper. "I can't do it here. I don't have the supplies. I'll take you to my office tomorrow, alright?"

"Y-Yeah I guess." I mumble. Roman rubs my head and put the empty plate on the side table.

"Could I tag along, Lo? Maybe I'll be able to keep him calm." Roman said.

Logan nodded, "Yes, I agree. That is a good idea." I smiled some knowing Roman will be there.

"Thanks, Nerd. Are we done here? I need to get Virgil ready for bed." Logan nodded too busy writing something down to pay attention.

Roman stood up and picked me up. I meowed and nuzzled him. He smiles and picks up the plate.

After dropping the plate into the sink, Roman sets me on his bed, or our bed?

Roman digs in his closet, muttering things under his breathe. I can only make out "Heat" "Don't want" "Too hot" and some other things.

He pulls out a short sleeved t-shirt and a pair of black shorts, and underwear of course.

"Ready for me to change you, kitten?" I nod and he changes me quickly.

He then changes into sweatpants and a white tank top. He crawls into bed with me. I snuggle into his chest, purring happily.

Roman smiles and wraps his arms around me.

I notice a string on Roman's shirt, at his shoulder. I try to fight off the urge to bite it but that failed and I bite the string.

I pull on it and Roman laughs. I try to grab it but it's too small. I pull onto more and it extends.

Roman pulls it out of my mouth and boops my nose. "No, no." I pout and give a slight mew.

Roman laughs with a smile. He scratches my ears, getting purrs.

I slowly drift off into sleep.

Lil Kitty ~Prinxiety~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora