Chapter five-Play time gone wrong

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It's been awhile after my bath now. Roman and I are playing with a cat toy. It's a ball of yarn wrapped around a ball and it has a mouse face on it. It jingles too.

Roman throws the ball at me. I attack it with my claws. I then begin to freak out when I can't get my claw off of it. It's stuck under some of the yarn.

I meow and shake my hand. Roman quickly grabs my hand and pulls my claw out of the yarn.

I look at him and give a smile. He smiles back and pats my head. "You ok, kitty?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm ok. Thank you." Roman rubs my ears gently.

"You're welcome, kitten." I rub my head against his hand.

Roman leans back against the couch. I climb into his lap and nuzzle him. He pets me gently. I spin around and get comfy on his lap.

Roman chuckles as he pets me. I didn't mean to but my claws came out as I stretched.

Roman pushes me off of him. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I-I can't help it!" Roman looks at me before walking off into the kitchen.

I whimper quietly and move to the corner of the room. I curl into the ball, small tears slip.

My old master beat me if I hurt him. Roman won't do that right? I hope not.

Footsteps come into the living and figure appears in front of me. I curl into myself more not looking up.

"Virgil, why are in the corner and crying?" It was Logan. He's back from work.

I lift my head up some. "M-My claws came out on Roman. I-I didn't mean to hurt him, I swear!"

Logan just nods. "I see, Roman won't do anything to you. I know much. He might be a little mad but he'll get over it." Logan tells me before walks off.

I curl into myself more. My tears fall faster and I whimper again.

Another person appears in front of me, Patton. "Hey, kiddo. Roman told what happened. You wanna explain why your claws came out?"

"I-I can't control them. There's something wrong with them, I don't know what. Probably something my old master did. I-I didn't mean to hurt him, really. My claws haven't been cut ever. Tell him I'm sorry." I explain. Patton nods and pats my head.

"Tell him yourself. He's in his room." Patton tells me before walking away.

I get up and slowly walk to Roman's room. I knock on his door before walking in.

He's sitting on his bed, shirtless. Bandaids are on his stomach. I sniffle some and make my way to his bed.

I crawl onto the bed and sit a good bit away from him. "What?" He asks look up from his phone.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't control my claws. There's something wrong with them, something my old master did. I never meant to hurt you. Promise." I explain to him.

"Oh, ok." Was all he said. I sniffle again. And get off his bed. He's hates me, great. The one time I think I've found a possible good master, I have to go and make them hate me.

"I-I'll leave you alone now. I can leave the house if you want me too. I'll understand." Roman sighs and puts his phone down.

He stands up and walks over to me. I put my hands in front of my face. "D-Don't hurt me please!"

Roman stops in his tracks. "Why would I hurt you? I was going to hug you."

I drop my hands and Roman wraps his arms around me. I cry into his shirt. "Kitten, baby, tell me why you would I'd hurt you?"

I sniffle and sit on the bed, him joining me. He holds me close as a cry into him. "Take your time, kitty. I'll listen when you're ready."

Here we go.

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