Chapter twenty four-The End

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It's been two months now. Nothing big has been happening lately. Me and Roman have been in on a few dates though. Roman is really really sweet.

I've never been so comfortable around a person as I have been around Roman. I haven't had a good master till I met Roman. I was abused my whole life. I escaped him and met Roman.

It was the best day of my life. Sure, we've had some rough patches, like when I hurt his stomach on accident before we fixed my claws.

We've fought a few times, not really fights more like arguments. They were stupid, we made up quickly.

Patton and Logan got married, finally. Roman said they were engaged for four years. But I was Patton's bridesmaid or whatever. I had to wear a dress. Roman was Logan's best man then some of their friends were there along with family.

It was a nice ceremony.

Roman finally asked me out sometime in July. We became boyfriends but he's still my master.

I'm independent now then I was. I still hate baths though. They're still disgusting.

Roman's parents like me a lot. Not so much Janus, that bitch. He's still after my Roman. He tried to make out with Roman when we visited Roman's parents.

Roman was asleep when I walked down on him trying to get on his lap. I went and got James and he helped me get Janus off. I woke Roman up after that, he wasn't very happy.

Roman keeps me close to him at all times when we're in public. He doesn't trust people to try to not take me, after a certain thing happened.

A guy came up behind me and grabbed me. Roman had to pull me out of the man's grip and he took me home after that.

Roman is very overprotective of me, very. He's not controlling he just likes to know where I'm going just in case something was to happen. He likes me to be safe and sound.

It's sweet if you ask me. I'm still spoiled by Roman, I don't think that will change, ever.

I don't mind, I just don't him spending too much on me. He doesn't do it as bad as before, but I'm still spoiled.

But everything is happy and good with life. I'm so much happier with my life now then I was with my old master. I couldn't ask for a better life.

The End~

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