Chapter twenty one-Fish

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It's been almost a month now. Roman's been great as ever. He's been working a lot more though, he has this big writing project thingy. I think it's a book but I dunno.

Even though he's busy with work, he still makes time for me. Which I really like.

On a different note, Patton got a pet fish. I get in trouble for trying to get it out of its tank.

Like now, I'm sitting in the kitchen counter, watching the fish swim back and forth, back and forth. My eyes dart back and forth in time with the fish.

I slowly move up to it. I start to dip my hand in when another grasps it. "No, no, kitty. You can't have the fish." Roman says.

"But I waaaaant iiit." I whine. Roman chuckles and opens the freezer. He pulls out a pack of fish and gets a piece out.

Putting oil in a pan on the stove, he drops the fish in.

He cooks the fish for me before placing it on a plate in front of me.

I pick the fish up and take a bite, looking at the fish in the tank.

"What're you doing, baby?" Roman asks with a light laugh.

"Making sure the fish knows he's next." I answer. Roman laughs and kisses my cheek.

"Virgil, we've been over this. You can't have Gilbert." Logan says walking into the room.

"If you didn't want me trying to eat the fish, why did you get a fish? To torture me?" Logan shakes his head with a sigh.

"No, Virgil. Patton wanted a pet fish and got one. You can not eat it, and if you do there will be a very bad outcome for you. Don't think I won't." Logan says. I whimper and grab onto Roman.

"Logan!" Roman hisses, "You can't say things like that! You know his past! It scares him!"

"Good, now he knows he's not allowed to have the fish." Logan answers. Patton strolls into the kitchen.

"Hiya, kiddos, Logan!" He greets.

"Patton, tell your fiancé not to threaten Virgil." Roman says.

"Logan! Why did you do that!" Patton scolds.

"He keeps trying to get your fish, Dear. I was just telling him not to do that." Logan answers.

"If he gets the fish, he gets the fish. I already know it's going to happen. Sure, I'll be kinda sad but I'll get a new pet." Patton says.

"But- you- whatever. Virgil I apologize for scaring you." Logan tells me.

"It's fine." I answer. Roman picks me up and holds me on his hip. He gives me a gentle kiss.

"Love you, baby." Roman mumbles.

"I love you too, master." I mumble back. Roman smiles and carries me to our room.

"Take a nap, kitty. It's your nap time." I nod and snuggle under the blankets. I whine and make grabby hands for Roman.

Roman chuckles and lays down with me, papers in his hand. I snuggle into Roman's side as Roman starts to read through the papers.

"Night, kitten." Roman whispers.

"Night, master. Love you." I mumble back, tiredly.

"I love you too, baby."

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