Chapter thirteen-Going back home

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The following morning, Roman wakes me up by shaking my arm. "Good morning, Kitty." Roman says quietly.

"M-Morning, master." I respond. Roman lifts me up into a sitting position.

"Where going back home today, alright?" Roman asks. I nod and stand up. I lean against Roman's chest.

"Get changed, kitten. I'll meet you in the kitchen." Roman kisses my forehead before leaving the room.

I change quickly into the outfit we brought. I leave the bedroom and walk downstairs.

Rose and Roman are in the kitchen along with James. "Good morning, Virgil!" Rose greets.

I wave and walk over to Roman, leaning against him as I purr quietly.

"Can I pet him now that you're leaving!?" Remus screeches. Roman shakes his head and holding me tighter.

"Remus. Leave poor Virgil alone." Rose says. Remus pouts but nods.

"Fiiiiine!" He whines.

Rose guides us to the table and we eat breakfast. Or well they do and I drink some cream Roman gave me.

After breakfast, me and Roman leave the house. Waving goodbye to Rose and James as we pull out of the driveway.

Roman keeps his hand on my thigh as we drive home.

About half way through the trip, we stop at a gas station. We get gas, snacks, and drinks.

I fell asleep some time after that. My head leaning on Roman's shoulder, purring slightly.

Roman shakes me awake awhile later. "Hey there, kitty. We're about 5 minutes from the house." Roman says.

"Mm, ok master." I sit up and stretch. Roman chuckles at me and rubs my head. I purr some and lean into Roman's hand.

5 minutes later, we pull into the driveway at the house. Roman gets out and walks over to my side.

He opens the door and picks me up. He grabs our bag from the back before carrying me and the bag in.

Patton greets us at the door. "Welcome back, kiddos!" Roman sets me down. Patton wraps me in a hug.

"Hi, Patt." Patton scratches my ears some before letting go.

"Logan is still at work. He'll be home around 8." Patton says before walking into the kitchen.

"C'mon, kitten. Let's go unpack then I'll give you a bath." Roman says, taking my hand and leading me to our bedroom.

I scowl at the thought of a bath.

Roman sets me on the bed, giving me a light kiss on the forehead. I watch as Roman unpacks. He takes the dirty clothes into the laundry room.

He comes back and sits next to me. "I'm wore out, baby. I'm going to take a quick nap before I give you a bath, ok?" Roman says and asks.

I nod as Roman lays back on the bed. I lay down on his chest, purring some. Roman chuckles and holds me close.

"Good night, master." I whisper quietly.

"Night, kitten." Roman mumbles back.

Roman rolls over so I'm pressed against his chest, his arms over me, us both on our sides.

I purr quietly as he pets my ears. My tail twirls around one of Roman's legs. Roman chuckles some and kisses my forehead.

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