For Kayleigh

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Kayleigh, this one is all yours:) Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy:) XXX


Harry, your boyfriend of 2 years, was at his concert while you were stuck laying inside the tour bus, feeling sick. You found it best not to attend the show, but nevertheless you thought about Harry every minute, waiting for him to return all full of adrenaline and excitement that would eventually fade and make him fall into a deep, peaceful slumber, right next to you. You felt so lucky to have a boyfriend like him, and to have been able to come on tour with him.

The only thing that was keeping you down was your stomach. Lately, you'd been bloated and sick, as well as moody. On top of that, you got these unusual, bad cramps in your lower region.

"Kayleigh!" Niall burst through the door of the bus, followed by the others.

"Feeling any better, babe?" Harry asked you sweetly as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. You shook your head and did nothing else but put your arms out for him to carry you. Harry chuckled lowly before giving in to your desires and picking you up in his arms bridal style. He took you into the bunk room, where you and him shared a bed. He put you down and left to change into more comfortable clothes.

While he was changing, something he would never say out loud came to his mind. He couldn't help but notice a difference in your weight as he carried you. It confused him since you didn't really look any heavier, but nonetheless he wouldn't dare say anything about it to you and get you upset.

Harry came back to the bunk room to join you. He took you in his arms so you could rest your head on his chest. While you listened to the steady beat of his heart, he hummed random songs to you. This kind of stuff was the trick to getting you to fall asleep quickly, and you did.

~3:30 a.m~

You woke up to an unbelievably sharp pain in your abdomen. It made you lurch forward and groan. Harry, who had been snoring softly, sat up to meet your aid.

"Kayleigh, baby, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't know!" You cried, "But it really hurts!"

"Kayleigh, this is worrying me. You've been having these stomach pains for days. I think we should go to the hospital."

Just then, you felt a gush of liquid leave your body, coming out from the lower area. You started to panic, not having a clue what was happening. Followed by the gush was another wave of pain.

"AAHH!" You screamed, falling back onto the surface of the bed. You felt your belly, noticing an apparent bump where there was none before. It was hard, like a rock was in your stomach. With all the anxiety flooding through you, you began to put the pieces together. No, it couldn't be true....could it?

Suddenly, you felt the urge to push. Not being able to hold back, you screeched out and pushed down. Only after you did that were you certain about what was going on.

"Harry!" You cried, "I-I think I'm having a baby! I'm having a baby!"

Harry's eyes got wide, his jaw flung extended. His face showed his disbelief and panic, but he knew you were right. But how could neither of you have known?

Quickly, people began to crowd around you two, firing questions.

"Bloody hell..." Louis muttered. Others covered their mouths as they stood there in shock.

"We need help! Take us to a hospital! Now!" Harry barked orders at them.

"Harry!" You screamed in agony.

He gripped your hand and kissed it without hesitation. "It's okay, Kayleigh. Don't worry about anything else. You're going to be just fine, I promise you. You can do this, babe."

"I-I can't hold it back anymore!" You cried.

"Go ahead, baby. Push." Harry encouraged, letting you cut off the circulation in his hand as you listened to him. You could feel what had to be the baby tearing through you, moving closer and closer with each push.

Harry helped you out of your pants so he could see it- his own child coming into the world. Tears came into his eyes as soon as he got a first glimpse of the baby's head.

"Come on, Kayleigh!" He beamed with tears of joy, "You're doing it, babe. The baby's really coming. Just a few more!"

"AAHH!" You bore down, leaning forward.

"One more, sweetie! You can do it!"

"No, I can't!" You burst into tears, "Harry I can't have a baby! I-I'm not ready to be a mother! I'm n-not ready!"

"Shh, look at me," He cupped you cheek with his large hand, wiping away tears with his thumb. "I know that we're unprepared for this and it's going to be hard, but I love more than anything, Kayleigh. And I've been wanting a family with you for while now, and so I'm going to love and cherish this baby no matter what. You're not alone, I promise."

You nodded as he pressed his lips to your forehead once more, before you gave it your all one last time. It was agonizing and excruciating, but soon enough the pain was gone and your screams were replaced by the tiny whimper of your baby.

Your head fell back onto the pillow with exhaustion.

"Oh my..." Harry cried happy tears, "W-We have a daughter, Kayleigh."

That feeling of fear that once consumed you suddenly went away when you looked at her. She was so tiny, so precious, and all yours. Harry cleaned her off with a blanket and set her down on your chest, making her whimper some more.

"H-Hi," You cried softly, smiling widely, "Hello, baby girl. I-I'm your mommy. Harry, your a daddy."

"I'm a daddy." He repeated, kissing his little girl's tiny head. "I'll always protect you, darling. Daddy will always protect you. Oh my god, Kayleigh. I can't believe we have a baby."

"Neither can I," You smiled, "But I think we can make it work. I know we can."

"As long as little Darcy is ours." He looked at the baby, mesmerized by her beauty and the fact that she was his.


"Yeah. It fits her, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," You kissed him on the lips, "It really does." You then handed her over to him.

The baby girl opened her eyes and looked up at her father, calm, as if she knew who he was and how much he loved her.

"Darcy...." Harry kissed her again, "My little Darcy..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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