You Have a Nightmare (Alternate)

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"HARRY EDWARD STYLES, come back here now!"I screamed, chasing after my boyfriend.

"No, just leave me alone." He replied.

Harry and I had been dating for about a year now and everything was perfect, or so I thought. Earlier today I got sent a text from my best friend Louis telling me Harry was getting "rather close" to one of the actress' at the video shoot today. At first I refused to believe it, but then I thought why would Louis, of all people lie to me? He wouldn't, especially since Harry was his best mate.

"I don't even see why you believe those stupid tabloids anyways, just a bunch of low lives with nothing better to do than make up rumors." Harry spat, making me feel slightly frightened. I swallowed hard before saying, "too bad it wasn't the tabloids that ratted you out!"

"Right, sure. That's the only way you ever 'find out' the dirt on your boyfriend. Don't you remember, last week it was that I was back with Caroline, now this. It's getting ridiculous; I can't deal with your insecurities any longer." He yelled, going to his side of the closet, pulling out some of his clothes.

"Where are you going?" I asked, frustration building up inside of me.

"Away. Don't call me, don't text, basically forget me."

I immediately ran to his closet and blocked him from getting any more clothes.

"Get out of my way," he said attempting to stay calm. I didn't budge though, I couldn't just let him walk out; he was my life. My reason for living, even if he was the biggest flirt I knew. "Move!" This time his voice was louder, angrier, but I still couldn't stand down. I had to fight for him.

"No," I practically whispered.

"That's it", he screamed before pushing me out of the way causing me to fall over onto the floor. It took me a moment to realize what he had down but it soon kicked in when I saw blood running down my arm. I quickly became woozy and within seconds my whole turned black.

"Y/N. Y/N CALM DOWN, BABE PLEASE" was all I heard before I finally opened my eyes and realized it was just a dream. "It was just a nightmare, sweetheart." Harry cooed.

I immediately jumped out of bed, still frightened by both the dream and Harry himself.

"Is everything okay love?" Harry asked, now sitting up.

I wanted to answer and tell him just how terrified I really was, but nothing came out. Instead I began crying, no bawling.

"Oh my god, Y/N, are you crying?" Harry questioned, worry filling his voice. He began getting out of bed when I ran to the other side of the room.

"Stay away from me Harry!" I screamed. I felt terrible, I mean I knew it was all just a dream, but it all felt just too real. I couldn't let him near me, I was too afraid.

"Babe, did I do something wrong?"

"Yes, Harry, you did. You always do. God, why couldn't you just listen to me, why did you have to do this to me?" I yelled.

"But what did I do? I was just sleeping?" He said, his voice slightly cracking. His eyes began watering soon after. "Please tell me why you're upset with me love, you're scaring me." He cried.

"You didn't listen to me, you thought it was the paps, but it wasn't. It was Lou. Louis told me everything!" I didn't mean to say anything that was coming out of my mouth, but I couldn't hold any of it in, it just kept pouring out. "Then when I try to give you a chance and beg you to stay you, you.." I couldn't manage to get the last word out; it was stuck in the back of my throat.

"I what, what did I do love, tell me please." Harry begged.

"You pushed me," I whispered, "you pushed and I fell on one of you stupid awards. It cut me and I was bleeding." Harry's face dropped even more, if that was possible.

"I.. hurt you?"

We both began bawling now. Then Harry slowly made his way over to me.

"No Harry. Stop." I cried.

"Please, Y/N, I promise I won't hurt you. Ever. You've got to trust me, love. Let me show you it was just a nightmare and nothing like that will ever happen to you as long as you're with me."

I thought for a minute before giving in and running into his arms, letting him hold me tightly against his chest. It was then that I felt like a complete idiot. Harry could never hurt me, he was the sweetest guy I had ever been with and I almost blew it because of bad dream.

"I'm so sorry Harry." I said against his tone chest.

"Don't be, love. I'm sorry." He replied.

"But Harry, you didn't do anything.."

"I know, but you were upset and it was because of me, so I'm sorry." He said, kissing my temple.

I quickly sat up and gave Harry a long, passionate kiss before saying "I love you."

"I love you too, beautiful, now let's get back to bed." Harry said, lifting me up and setting me directly on top of him. It wasn't long before I fell sound asleep in his warm embrace.

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