Darcy Asks How Babies are Made

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You were sitting with Harry and Darcy on the floor. You three were having a tea party with yours and Harry's 3 year old daughter. You laughed at Harry, who had a pink feather boa around his neck and a sparkly tiara on his head. You had the same, but your boa was blue. You thought it was funny how Darcy gave her father the pink one and not you, the obviously feminine one.

"Princess Harry, don't you look pretty." You giggled.

"As do you, my lady." He smirked, using a charming tone and sticking his pinky up as he held up is cup.

"But the most beautiful princess of all is Princess Darcy." You chimed, sending a wide smile onto your daughter's face. She had dimples, just like her father.

"I agree, Princess Y/N. Princess Darcy is simply astonishing in her dress and tiara." Harry replied, making her giggle.


"Yes, darling?"

"What does atsonishring mean?" She asked with innocent green eyes, another feature she inherited from Harry. You chuckled at how she tried so hard to pronounce it correctly, but failed anyway. It was just something cute that she did as she learned more and more.

"Astonishing means beautiful." Your husband explained, "Somebody who is astonishing is so on both the inside, and outside. Like Mummy."

"I'm flattered." You laughed a little, but were also blushing.

"Oooohhh," Darcy said, "Mummy, you're astonrishing."

You giggled along with Harry at her adorableness. "Thank you, baby. So are you."

"Do you have any more questions for me, baby girl?" Your husband asked her.

The three year old looked up for a moment, then asked the last thing you were expecting:

"Daddy, where do babies come from?"

You and Harry looked at each other, wide-eyed. You let out a puff of air in the form of laughter. It was awkward, but that didn't mean it couldn't be somewhat funny! You decided to go along with it:

"Yes, Harry, how are babies made?" You grinned, trying to hold in a burst of laughter.

His cheeks turned somewhat pink as he scratched the back of his neck and sighed, smiling because he knew you were just as shocked.

"Uh...well...you see, Daddy uses his genie lamp to make a baby go into Mummy's belly. The magic from the lamp goes into her and after nine months, a baby is born."

"But Daddy, how does the magic come out of the lamp?"

"You have to rub it hard enough." He winked.

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