You Die Pt. 2

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~Harry's POV~

I woke up to the sound of Darcy crying. I didn't have the strength to get up, yet I still did. I needed to soothe my baby daughter. I picked her up and cradled her close to me chest. She looked exactly like Y/N, with my eyes.

I remembered back to when Y/N said she wanted our child to have my eyes, right before she died. Tears stung my eyes. This beautiful little girl was the spitting image of the love of my life. Y/N was gone, but I could still feel that she was with us. I thought about her through everything, especially since the birth of Darcy was just 3 months previously.

"Do you miss Mummy too, Darcy? Is that why you're crying?" I spoke to her softly, not expecting a reply of course. She wailed.

"I don't blame you," I whispered, "I miss her as much as you do, and 100 times more."

I sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of the nursery and gently swayed back and forth in it. I looked down at Darcy, and said, "Would you like to know about your mum, baby?"

Her crying settled down a bit, as if she was ready to listen.

"Well," I began, "She was the most beautiful woman in the world, as I have told you many times before, and you happen to look just like her, darling. And she was sweet, caring, giving, loving....and she was a dreamer. Yes, she'd dream of the world being a better version of itself, where people wouldn't be mean to other people. She wouldn't like it when some of Daddy's fans sent her or me bad messages on social media, but I was always there to protect her. I met her at this bakery I used to work at in Holmes Chapel, where your Nana lives. I fell hopelessly in love with her, and never stopped. I called her 'Kitten' because she was so gentle and nice to cuddle with. After some years in One Direction, Daddy proposed to Mummy, and we got married on a pretty beach during the month of June. Soon after, she and I began playing with your cousin Lux a lot, and we also spent a lot of time with Uncle Niall's nephew, Theo. We realized that we wanted out own little one around, and so along came you. We knew it would be hard, with all the paps constantly around us, but Mummy was afraid of nothing. She was strong and full of willpower, that's one of the main reasons you are able to be here in my arms. When she gave birth to you, she was sick, and it took a lot of that strength for Mummy to bring you into the world, but she did it. Amazingly, she did it, and now I have you as my new little miracle, Darcy." I croaked at the last part and my voice broke.

"You're my new Kitten, Darcy."

She looked up at me with round green eyes, like beautiful emeralds, and then she became interested in something else. Her focus fixated on something behind me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, turning around.

My mouth dropped.

More tears poured out.


She was standing there, in a beautiful white dress. Her hair was flowing down past her shoulders, in lovely Y/H/C waves. She was glowing. "Harry."

The way she said my name made me shake with pure joy. I heard her voice again, something I had been longing for since the tragedy.

"Y-Y/N?" I cried, "Is that really you?"

She nodded, her own tears forming. "I've missed you, Harry."

I got up, still cradling our daughter, and crashed my lips into hers as a way of seeing if this was a dream or not. Much to my pleasure, it was real. Her lips felt like rose petals, just like that always had.

"I've missed you so much, Y/N. We both have." I smiled down at Darcy, tears blurring my vision without my control. I studied my wife from head to toe. There was no doubt about it- she was an angel.

"C-Can I hold her?" Y/N asked me.

"Of course, you're her mum silly." I chuckled, sitting her down in the rocking chair and placing the baby in her arms.

"Oh my..." Y/N whispered while smiling, "She's perfect."

"Yes, she is. She's the most beautiful baby girl I've ever laid eyes on." I kissed her lips again, desperate to feel my heart flutter again. Only she could have that effect on me.

"What made you come back?" I asked randomly.

She looked at me lovingly, "Oh Harry, don't you understand? I never left. When I said at our wedding that I'd never leave you, I meant it." She brought her lips up to meet mine.

"I love you, Kitten."

"I love you, Hare-Bear."

Darcy made a noise and we both laughed.

"How could I forget about my lovely little Darcy?" Y/N kissed her forehead repeatedly.



"Will you stay? We need you?"

"Harry," She whispered, "I will always be with you and Darcy, but you won't necessarily see me all the time. Don't worry, Harry. You are the best father in the world. Darcy is going to grow up under your care, and she's going to live a great life because of you. You'll see me again someday, though. I promise."

With that, she pressed one last kiss to Darcy's cheek, and then to my own. Then, she disappeared just like that. The wind outside blew, and I closed the window. I smiled at my daughter.

"See, baby girl? That's what Mummy is like. But I forgot to tell you one thing about her, something very important."

I paused, remembering the last two beautiful words Y/N said before she went.

"Darcy, your mother never breaks her promises."

And she didn't.

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