Kidnapped (for Meg)

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A/N:This is for you Meg! Just so everyone knows Meg asked for this imagine via inboxing me. To get an imagine from me, you can either follow her example or comment below. Thanks and enjoy!!! :):) xxx


You didn't know why you were kidnapped. You didn't know why it had to be you. Why you were now sitting in this dark room, your hands tied, your face drenched with tears. You never thought anything in this nature would ever happen to you. You saw movies and television shows where it happened, but you never payed attention to the fact that it wasn't just a myth. These things happened. And now, it was you it was happening to. You hated the atmosphere. It was indoors somewhere, the floors concrete, the lights dimmed, the walls dirty. You looked at the man who had taken you. He stood in front of you, pacing back and forth.

"You have something I need," he mumbled, fiddling with an object in his hand. You looked to the corner, five fairly young boys stood there. "Don't mind them, they're just the help." The man creepily took note of your gaze and tilted your head towards him.

"What do you want?" you said through your teeth. You looked back at the boys as the man turned around. One was blonde, had light colored eyes, and a dimpled chin. Another had sand colored, shaggy hair with tattoos on his right arm and across his chest. Another one had the same tattoo placement, only he had what looked like black hair and a chiseled jaw. The fourth had brown-colored hair that matched his eyes, the bottom of his face scruffy, his lips full and his clothes dirty. The last had a slim yet strong physique, his hair wavy and swooped out of his face, his eyes narrowed and his body covered with scattered ink.

"I want your knowledge about something concerning your father."

"Excuse me?" you asked, offended as he spoke of your late dad.

"I need to know what he told you!" the man yelled, frightening you.

"She's not going to respond if you talk to her that way!" the wavy-haired boy spoke, his voice deep and husky. The man threw whatever was in his hand as the wall and stormed out of the room after giving the five boys some sort of directions. You shifted in your seat, attempting to get out of it, but it was no use. You saw the wavy-haired boy usher the others out of the room, and he locked the door, making your breathing quicken.

"Please... I don't know anything," you spoke weakly.

"It's alright, I'm gonna get you out of here," he responded, moving behind you and working on untying your shaking hands. "It's okay, you don't need to be afraid anymore, I promise, everything will be alright."

"Why are you doing this, don't you work for him?"

"Not anymore." He freed your wrists from the rope and took your hand loosely, walking to another door on the opposite side of the room. You realized that you had been in a house the whole time. You expected an abandoned parking structure or something creepy like what you saw in the movies, but it was only a basement you were in. He hoisted you up so that you could climb out of the window that was placed in the room located next to the one you were being kept in. He lifted himself up and climbed out behind you, reconnecting his hand with yours and running to a motorcycle that sat in the driveway. You found that you were in the middle of nowhere. No other houses, no other vehicles, and no other people were in sight. You quickly sat behind him after he got on and he drove you away.

Everything happened so quickly, you could barely process what had happened in the last twenty-four hours. You were being led up a staircase, this stranger's arm wrapped around you, his coat set on your trembling shoulders as he opened a door and you walked into a small apartment room.

"It's not much... but you'll be safe here." You sat down on his couch as he got something out of the fridge and soon set a water bottle and some food in front of you. "I'm sure you're starving. Probably thirsty, too." He sat beside you, looking at your profile, but all you did was stare ahead at nothing.

"Why was he talking about my dad?" you managed to say, your voice high and extremely quiet. He leaned in closer so that he could hear you.

"Your dad, um, he had some information..."

"What kind of information?" you asked sternly, but your voice was still frail.

"I don't know... he wouldn't tell us... all I know is that your dad knew something that he wasn't supposed to know, and since he's... gone... my boss figured his family might have known something-"

"Is that how they died? My parents?" you asked, still ignoring his eye contact, your tone becoming weak and unstable. You heard the boy sigh before taking your hand, not having to say anything. You let out a short gasp, shutting your eyes as tight as you possibly could.

"What's your name?" he asked sensitively, touching your shoulder so lightly you almost didn't feel it.

"Meg," you whispered roughly as he scooted closer to you.

"I'm Harry."

"What are we gonna do?" you asked, finally looking up at him.

"We're gonna pray that he didn't follow us and that we'll be safe."

"And what if he did?" Just then, you heard a bang on the door.

"I know you're in there, Styles! Give me the girl!" You started to panic as Harry quickly ran to the door.

"Hide in the closet," he told you faintly, pointing to the door behind you. You ran to it, staying behind the blind-like barrier. You watched Harry press his back to the door through the slits, the wood crashing behind him. "She doesn't know anything!" He yelled, his feet sliding as he tried to keep the door closed. Suddenly, the door broke open and Harry stumbled in order to stay on his feet.

"I said, give me the girl."

"You'll have to kill me." The man suddenly took out a knife and went to stab Harry, but he dodged the attempt. You covered your mouth with your hand, stepping back and making a noise, causing the man to pause. You watched the man smile, knowing exactly where you were located, but Harry intervened. He threw a punch at him, the fight beginning. You watched anxiously, anticipating the end. The man abruptly knocked Harry to the ground, about the stab him, but Harry took something out of his pocket, and you soon realized it was a pocket knife. Right before the man would have killed him, he plunged the knife into his chest. He swiftly kicked him off to the side and stood up, closing his eyes and running his fingers through his hair in relief. You slowly opened the door, looking down at the fallen man.

"Is he..."

"Yeah." You both stared at him for awhile, making sure he wasn't somehow still with you. You covered your mouth again, your throat burning. You quickly ran over to Harry and wrapped your arms around him, slamming into his chest. He hugged you tight, breathing into your shoulder.

"I'll keep you safe... I promise," he whispered.

"Is it over?" He nodded, setting his hand over your hair.

"It's over. Everything's alright." You sobbed into this boy's shoulder. He was someone you barely knew. Someone who had risked his life to save you, and someone who would always risk everything to keep you safe.

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