You get your wisdom teeth out

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"Ugghhhh" You whimpered next to Harry in the car on your way home. Your hand was pressed to your cheek, which was stuffed on the inside with gauze. "Haz, why does my face feel numb?"

Your boyfriend chuckled while still focusing on the road, "Baby, you just got your wisdom teeth taken out. That means you just had surgery."

"Take the numbness awaaaayyyy." You complained, loopy from the medications.

"I wish I could, kitten." He smiled.

"Hmph," You pouted, "...Meanie."

Harry laughed at how serious you were. "Y/N, I promise the numbness will wear off soon. I love you." He then leaned in for a kiss.

"WOAH there Mister Whatever Your Last Name Is!" You slurred, "No smoochy-smoochy for you! Not until you stop being a stupidhead jerkbutt!"

"Baby, listen-"

"Don't BABY me! Oh and did you remember to feed the cat?"

Harry turned back to the road, muttering to himself, "But we don't even have a cat....."

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