You Die (VERY sad)

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~Harry's POV~

I was by her side as she endured the contraction. Tears came down her face and she whimpered, squeezing my hand with all her strength, which wasn't much at this point.

Y/N's disease had been under control for most of the pregnancy, but now it came down hard, hitting her with an awful fever mixed in with a painful labor.

I had to fight the urge to break down and weep. She was so weak and frail. She wasn't looking good.

"Y/N, it's okay sweetheart. You're going to make it, j-just hang on." I said to her.

Her grip eased on my hand as the contraction ended. She opened her beautiful eyes slowly, and looked up at me. "I'm okay. I'm going to get through this. W-We're going to have our baby a-and then we'll be a family." She smiled at me softly. She was, without a doubt, the strongest girl in the world. She was an angel. My beautiful angel.

She was on our bed. She wanted it this way, and I wasn't going to deny her a single thing. The midwife was there, telling her to breathe. Another contraction swept in, making her cry again. I had imagined before that she would be screaming at me and the pain, like women do in movies and on TV. But Y/N didn't. She couldn't. That's how weak she was.

"H-Harry..." She whimpered as softly as can be, "H-help me...It h-hurts too much...."

I started to cry a little. I couldn't help her. I was powerless. "Baby, I love you. I-I love you so much and you're so strong. You're going to make it, don't forget what I said. P-Promise me you'll hang on."

She nodded, tears streaming down her face.

"Okay, Y/N, this baby's coming. I want you to push, honey." The midwife said. The love of my life pushed as hard as she could, and like I said, it wasn't much. But still we encouraged her.

"That's right, baby girl. You've done so well. Our little one is almost here." I spoke gently in her ear, kissing her sweat-covered face. She was burning up at the touch.

It went on and on, for hours. It felt like eternity, and Y/N passed out again and again because of the pain and illness. Part of me wondered if it would ever end, if we would be here forever. And the sad thing is that I really believed that we would be. I had run out of hope. I had lost track of time.

She gave it one last push, before the cries of a little child filled the room. And suddenly, that feeling of being desolate ended. Our baby was here.

"It's a girl," The midwife said, "You did it, Y/N."

After cleaning her up, the midwife gave our baby girl to me. Wondering why she didn't give her to Y/N, I looked down at my love, and then I saw why.

She was extremely pale, looking drained of every ounce of her strength. Her eyes had closed. Her breathing was slow.


She didn't answer and my heart began beating so I could hear it in my own ears. Tears started to leak from my eyes, from both the indescribable panic and the happiness I was experiencing. "Y-Y/N?"

Her eyes fluttered open. "Harry..."

"Oh god. Kitten, l-look. Look, here's our baby." I smiled through my tears, showing her to Y/N.

She smiled. "H-Hi, little baby."

"She's ours."


"Yeah, isn't it amazing, Y/N? We have a daughter." I said, trying not to have my voice break down, though it did sound like it was on the verge.

"She's beautiful...I want to name her Darcy..." Her voice was struggling to even be heard.

I burst into more crying and looked at me little girl. "Oh....My little baby girl....My little Darcy...She looks so much like you, Y/N."

"Does she have your eyes?" She asked me.

I looked. "Yeah, she does. They're green like mine."

"G-Good. I wanted her to have your eyes." She said, her voice barely audible.

"She's going to grow up so fast, I feel like. And we're going to have to take her to school, and watch her grow up every day." I said, trying to keep Y/N awake.

"I-I'm sorry," My love whispered, "I'm getting tired, Harry. May I....may I rest?"

"Babe, babe no." I told her, "Let's just talk a little longer, yeah? Y-You don't even have to speak, just listen."


"I can't believe she's finally here. You did amazing Y/N, I mean it. Because of you, we have this beautiful little thing." I chuckled, trying to keep the mood light, "Ha, she looks like a cute baby monkey, all curled up in her blanket, yeah?"

I took Y/N's hand, the one that had her wedding ring on it. I rubbed my thumb over the diamond. "I remember the day I put this ring on your finger. It was the best day of my life, Y/N. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much, more than you'll ever know, my darling."

Darcy cried and I tried to shush her. "No, no, no, honey," I cooed, "Look, there's Mummy, isn't she beautiful? Look how beautiful Mummy is, Darcy."

As I turned my attention back to Y/N, she was looking up at me, eyes full of tears. "I can't hold on, Harry. I'm...I'm going...."

"No, no, no....Y/N please stay awake. Y-You promised."

"I have to...I-I have to break it.....Harry, I love-" She couldn't finish her sentence before her head fell to the side.

"Y/N?" I asked, but she didn't answer.

I started crying again, harder for the fear.

"Y/N," I took her hand and pressed it gently to Darcy's soft face, "Y/N, do you feel Darcy's cheek? See, she's so soft."

No reply, not even a sign.

I started sobbing, for when I let go of her hand, it fell limp onto the surface of the bed.

"Y/N! No, no! Oh anything but this!" I wept, "Oh God please save her! Don't take her away from me! Y/N, I love you too!"

She was gone. The beautiful, sweet, loving girl I met in the Bakery in Holmes Chapel when I was sixteen. The girl I fell in complete, unconditional love with. The girl I proposed to by surprising her with coming home early from tour. The girl I said my vows to. The mother of my daughter.

She was gone.

I looked down at my little girl, who was still crying. She deserved to be held by her mother, just like Y/N had deserved to hold her before she passed.

My lip quivered as I adjusted Y/N's arms and placed Darcy in them. Immediately, she stopped crying. She knew Y/N was near, and that was enough.

It had always been enough for me, too.


Part 2??? Leave your comments below!!

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