Your Father is a Bad Guy

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Harry and I were going to visit my dad that day, which I was weary about. Harry had met my entire family- my mom, older brother, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins- and they all loved him. The only one left was my father. I was nervous, really nervous. It's not like I cared what he thought of Harry, since I stopped trying for his approval years ago. Instead, I was worried for my own and Harry's safety in general.

My father was a bad guy. He and my mom divorced when I was 5, and who could blame her? This man was scary. Smoking cigarettes while drinking alcohol and getting arrested kind of scary. He had been sent to jail 4 times since he and Mom got divorced.

Harry and I had been dating for 2 years. I was 19 and he was 20. Our relationship was strong, marriage was clearly in the future. He somehow convinced me that it was the right thing to do, to let him and my dad meet. "It's only fair," Harry told me, "After all, he'll be my father someday, too. I want him to meet me."

So now we were in the car, on our way to see my dad. I couldn't control my nerves. What if he tries to hurt me or Harry? What if he's too drunk? What if he scares Harry away from me?

"Babe, we're here." Harry said bluntly as he stopped the car in the rough driveway. The appearance of the place was frightening, with long, uncut grass on the lawn, broken windows, jagged fencing, and chipped paint.

"Harry, I'm warning you, this guy may be my father, but you don't have to get his approval. He isn't worth it, trust me. I learned that years ago. If you want, we can just turn back and go." I said.

"Y/N, we'll be fine. I'll be careful, but even more importantly, I'll keep you safe." Harry knew about my fairly abusive past with him. The alcohol, drugs, harsh beatings, and other things I'd rather not talk about. "He's not going to touch you."

I nodded and held myself close to him as we walked in the house. The door creaked open, and we heard a raspy yell, "Who the hell is that?!"

"It's Y/N, Dad. I brought my boyfriend with me." I called. Hearing his voice again terrified me.

He appeared from the kitchen, puffing smoke out of his mouth...what a shocker. "Ah yes. I've seen you everywhere." He pointed to Harry. "Aren't you in that band...uh....something Direction?"

"Yes sir, One Direction. I'm Harry." My curly-haired boy extended his hand in a friendly manner, but my father was too cold and hostile to accept it.

The drug addict plopped a seat on his dusty chair. "What a load of shit you are, then."

I got furious, but didn't say anything. How dare he! After all the good that Harry has done, all the joy that he and the boys bring to people around the world....and how joyful he makes me. He didn't even care about the man that made his own daughter happy, the man who would technically be his son someday.

Harry's smile disappeared. He stroked his thumb over my knuckle, letting me know to stay at ease.

"Yes sir, you are one load of horse shit. And Y/N? You've always been weak. I wouldn't be surprised if Harry dumped your weak ass this very second." My father went on.

"No, I plan on marrying her." Harry intervened, balling up his fists.

"Marrying her?" My dad smirked. "Harry, I hope you know what you're in for. Y/N's got this way of do I put this....bitchy."

Harry's face turned red. You could practically see steam coming out of his ears. "Excuse me? What did you just say?!"

Dad stood up and sized Harry up, I hid behind my boyfriend. My dad said through clenched teeth, "I said she's a bitch!"

Harry didn't hesitate to strike his jaw, knocking him back onto the floor. I gasped, clinging on to Harry's arm, quivering behind him.

"Y/N, get back." He commanded calmly.

"Harry, we're leaving. Come on, please." I urged him.

"No," He said and yanked my dad right of the floor, gripping his shirt. "You don't get to call my girlfriend a bitch, you bloody bastard!"

"She's my daughter!"

"No she isn't! She doesn't belong to you, she's mine now! And I love her! And as long as I'm alive, you will NEVER get close to her again! Do you get that?"

He nodded.

"Good, come on Y/N. We're going home, baby." Harry pulled me close and led me out the door.

We got in the car and drove off in silence, until Harry choked out, "I'm sorry Y/N, that you had to grow up with that man. But just know that no matter what, no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I won't let him get to you. I'd die if I had to."

I smiled through my tears and brought my lips to his. "You really are all I need, Harry."

And it was true. Harry was, in fact, all I would ever need.

Harry Styles ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang