He Is A Flirt in High School (AU)

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"Hey Y/N," Harry called at you after your history class. You let out a deep sigh of annoyance as you quickened your pace to navigate through the crowded hallways so that you could get to your locker. But before you knew it the school flirt, Harry was standing right next to your opened locker door. His bright green eyes and killer looks caused practically every girl in the school to go into cardiac arrest, well every girl but you.

Harry was pushy above all things and right below pushy he was also annoying. Practically every day he'd tell you about how hot you looked or how perfect your ass looked in your jeans. At first his overwhelming compliments were flattering but they soon grew to be a nuisance; you were a girl not a piece of meat and some of the things suggested that he had no clue of that fact.

"Hey baby," he said softly while leaning his arm against the other lockers. You rolled your eyes and began to switch your books while Harry continued to flirt with you. "You're looking mighty fine today."

"First off I'm not your baby and second you need to stop," you said. Your anger was quickly boiling up inside of you. Harry raised an eyebrow at you, clearly amused at your words. "Seriously Harry this is getting old okay. We're not together so you need to stop acting like we are."

Harry's usual cocky expression seemed to fade from his face and he soon seemed to show signs of insecurity. You closed your locker door and turned away to head to your next class but Harry grabbed your elbow.

"Wait Y/N," he said softly. You raised an eyebrow at him and he began to speak, "I'm sorry okay. I know I come off as very pushy and rude and I'm sorry. I like you, a lot really and I just don't know how to express it in a way that isn't pushy and rude." He said and you cracked a small smile.

"You just did Harry," you replied.

Harry bit down on his lower lip and soon enough the bell rang. You pulled away from Harry to rush to your next class but this time he didn't follow. Harry stood still in his place and thought about what you told him and how maybe just maybe if he stops his pushy behavior you might consider speaking to him more. Harry smiled to himself and said softly under his breath, "Okay Y/N."

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