You're Pregnant and You Fight

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You were waiting anxiously for Harry to get home. He was working extremely late, for it was now 2 a.m. You knew he had to because it was his job, but didn't he know that you were sitting at home while 7 months pregnant with his daughter?! And it wasn't the first time he had done this. For the past two weeks, your husband had been working to late hours, only to come home, go straight to bed, and then leave in the morning, often before you woke up.

Was this what it would be like with Darcy around? Would Harry never be home to help out? Did he even care?

Just then, speak of the devil, Harry came in. He yawned and set his stuff back by the door, and then saw you sitting on the couch, looking at him.

"Hey, babe." He said lowly.

"Hey babe'?! That's all I get?! Just 'Hey babe'?!" You snapped, rubbing your bump.

"What the hell is your problem, Y/N?!" Harry shouted, startling you. The baby started kicking at the sound of her father's loud voice.

"Why do you stay out so late, huh?! I haven't seen you in two freaking weeks, Harry!" You shouted back.

"Well excuse me if I'm earning a living for our family! You get to sit around here all day and do whatever you want, Y/N! I actually have to work!" Harry snapped, "And you, Y/N, just sit on your ass and do nothing!"

You held your jaw tight, tears coming down your cheeks. "How dare you!" You said slowly, "I am growing our child inside of me!"

"Oh I didn't realize that you were SO busy!" He said sarcastically and cruelly, making you cry harder.

"Fine, Harry! S-Since you're just the king of the house, and you make everything work around here, it's only fair that you get to sleep in the bed, without me or my belly getting in the way!"


"Fine! So go ahead then! I'll sleep down here!"

Without another word, Harry stormed up the stairs, and you heard the door slam loudly in your room.

You couldn't sleep that night, though. Not only was the couch making you uncomfortable, but you felt really guilty. Harry works hard so he can take care of you and little Darcy. Imagine how difficult his job must be, and you just added the stress of a fight to the equation.

Tears stung your eyes before you blinked and let them roll down you face. Darcy kicked and you stroked your stomach, calming her activity to a minimal. Only then did you hear footsteps coming down the stairs. A sleep-deprived Harry turned on the light and you looked at each other for a moment.

"Y/N, darling, I am so sorry, beautiful." He said sincerely.

"Me too." You said, getting up and running into his arms. He held you close, his warmth surrounding you.

"You were right. I'm sorry for not being here."

"I'm sorry, too. It's not your fault you have to work late. I just need you so, so much, Harry. I-I got scared that this would become a regular thing." You cried in his shoulder.

"It won't, baby. I promise. You and Darcy will always have me around." He said before kissing your lips deeply. Then he continues, "And I know that what you're doing, growing our baby girl, is far more important than anything I'm doing."

He put his large hand on your bump and rubbed in circles. "Has she been giving you trouble tonight?"

You sniffled. "She's been kicking like crazy."

He hummed and got down on his knees, facing your belly directly. He planted a sweet kiss over your belly button. "I love you so much, baby girl. Please don't kick Mummy anymore. She doesn't need anyone else hurting her, yeah?"

Right as he finished, the kicking stopped. You smiled down at your husband, who looked at your bump in awe.

"She listens to her daddy." You said.

"Well, it's thanks to you that she has ears." He grinned, standing back up. "Come on, kitten. Let's go back up to bed, both of us."

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