For Julia

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Here you go, Julia!:) Thanks for requesting! Enjoy! :) xxxx


*Harry's POV*

"Our desire is simple: we need you to end things with Julia." They told me.

My heart skipped a beat, my mouth hung open, my eyes went wide. Break up with Julia?! There's no way in bloody hell!

"Yeah well my answer is simple: no." I scoffed, sitting back and crossing my arms.

"Harry we think-"

"No, I don't care what you think!" I spat, "We've been dating for 2 years why are you telling me this now?!"

"Because you lose your focus," They said strictly, "When you're on tour, it's like you're on another planet. You just too committed to her. Plus, the fans like seeing you single and you may begin to lose fans if you guys get too serious."

"I don't f*cking care if I lose fans! And what do you mean too committed?! That's ridiculous!" I raged.

"This is for the best." They stated calmly, intimidated by my sudden anger.

"What is it best for, huh?" I scowled, "Me, or the amount of money you have in your wallets?"

"It's best for Julia."

"No, love her and I'm not going to let you guys separate us! So yeah, I'm not going to be Single Harry ever again and you can just suck it up." With that, I got up and gave myself permission to storm out.

"And you've never considered Julia's needs?" They said, stopping me in my tracks right as I yanked the door open.

"What needs?" I mumbled.

"Oh, has she not told you about all the hate she gets? All the pain she endures from being your girlfriend? What she needs is a chance to catch her breath."

I knew that she got hate, but this got me concerned. Was it more than I ever thought? Could Julia really be struggling, because of me?

"It's a lot more than you've noticed apparently." They told me.

"She's been dealing with it just fine, then, because she hasn't complained." I defended.

"Because you are gone for about half the year anyway." They pointed out, "How do you expect any future with this girl, if you are never around? Look at Zayn. He hasn't even begun to plan his own wedding, and he and Perrie got engaged a long while ago. Face it, Harry, dating just isn't a good idea for you right now."

I frowned, trying to think of an argument, but no words would formulate. They were right. I was never around for Julia, and because of the hate, I was never there when she needed me. I wasn't supporting her. She deserved better. I needed to let her go and be happy.

Tears brimmed in my eyes.

"Think of Julia, Harry. She needs this."

"Yeah....okay." I nodded with my head low and walked out, only to find my Julia crying on the floor next to the door.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I immediately grew concerned about seeing her in this state and knelt down in front of her.

"P-Please don't d-do it, Harry!" She wept, "T-They're lying! I h-heard everything! I l-love you don't b-break up with me! Please!"

My heart broke and I started crying, too. "But you don't deserve to be in a relationship with a guy like me! I'm never there when you need me and you should have so much more than that!"

"N-no!" Now she was sobbing, turning heads all around us, "I w-want to be with you for the r-rest of my life! You're all I need!"

I nodded, my lip quivering, and kissed her hard on the lips, my passion for this girl overflowing. "I love you so much, Julia. I promise I'll fight them on this. I'll quit the band if I have to, all I want is you. All I live for is you."

She nodded through her tears and held onto my with all her strength. I didn't know how or why she was even here at the office in the first place, but I didn't care. I made my choice.

The people I was just arguing with in the office stepped out and looked down at the sight of me holding my fearful girlfriend. As I held Julia, I glared up at them.

"Come on, baby," I said while still holding my eyes on them, "I'm taking you home now. Don't worry. We'll be fine. These idiots don't know what they're talking about. I love you, Julia."

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