He Gets Seriously Injured

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I was sitting on the sofa with Eleanor. She came over so we could keep each other company while the boys went off for an interview.

"Sooo," She smiled mischievously while finishing painting her nails, "Things with Harry still going strong, yeah?"

I chuckled, "Yes, El. Things are going great. Happy now?"

"Are you planning on getting married?"

I blushed at the thought of Harry being my husband someday, then nodded, "Yeah. He wants kids, too."

"Harry would be a great dad. He's so good with kids, you know?"

"Yeah, I love babysitting Lux with him." I smiled.

But, before I could set my mind onto dreaming heavily on the future, a loud groan was heard as the front door burst open. My heart started pounding. It sounded like Harry, and seemed like he was in pain.

"Girls come quick!" Louis shouted for us.

I jumped up and ran over to see the boys gathered around a groaning Harry in the main hallway.

"Oh my god! Harry!" I screamed, terrified. I got down on my knees at my boyfriend's side.

"We were mobbed and he got hit in the head with a camera. There's a cut on his temple." Niall explained.

I lifted the curls off his forehead and there was indeed a cut. It was more like a gash, actually, dripping blood down the side of his head. Harry wasn't moaning in pain that much anymore, and that told me he was losing consciousness. I was so scared that I burst into tears and screamed for him to stay awake. "Harry! Harry please! Wake up, baby, wake up!" I bawled.

"We need to get him to the hospital." Liam spoke.

Niall held me back when the paramedics came to put Harry in the ambulance. I was screaming like an upset toddler. "Niall let go! Harry!"

"Y/N, you have to stay calm, okay?" The blonde Irish boy told me, "You can only be with him in the ambulance if you settle down. He'll be fine, lass."

I stopped struggling and agreed to calm down, even though it was anything but easy. I just took loud, deep breaths the whole ride. I held Harry's hand, but he couldn't hold mine back. He was pale, his breathing slow, but at a steady pace. I began thinking about our future again, but I imagined what it would be like if this put all of our plans in jeopardy. What if Harry won't be okay?

We reached the hospital. They got him a private room, in which only friends and family were allowed in. This news was already spreading, so we had security guards outside the door so no more paps could hurt him, like they already had.

"Harry, baby, please wake up soon." I was holding his hand up to my face, kissing it as I was crying softly. I couldn't stand seeing him in a pale blue hospital gown, on his back, and stitches now on his cut. They placed an IV in his arm as well.

Suddenly, my quiet crying was joined by the sound of the machine beeping rapidly now. I freaked out, yelling for the nurses and everyone else to come in. Eleanor and Louis put their hands on my shoulder and gently guided me out of the way of the rushing nurses.

"He's fine," The nurse in scrubs said with a smile, "I think he heard you talking and it made his heart race."

"Y/N?" Harry's raspy, dry voice spoke quietly. I smiled and ran to his side once again.

"Oh god, Harry! You're awake!" I smiled hard, kissing his cheek and knuckles repeatedly.

"I'm okay, hun. Don't you worry about me." He grinned. I got to see his gorgeous green eyes open up. It felt like forever since I had seen them.

"Welcome back, mate. You took quite a blow to your head." Zayn said.

"Thanks for getting me here." Harry said, "It could have been bad, huh?"

"It was actually a surprise you woke up this early, Harry," The nurse spoke, "We didn't expect you to wake up for another few hours."

"What woke me up so early?" Harry asked.

"Well, your girlfriend was talking to you and that boosted your heart rate."

"Mm," Harry grinned at me, "She's always had that affect on me."

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