You Defend Him in an Interview

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Harry's P.O.V.

"So out of all the women Harry has dated and slept with how did he manage to settle down with just you?" The interviewer said as she crossed her legs. Her eyes scanned mine, searching for an answer from Y/N. Y/N immediately raised an eyebrow at her and from the look in her eyes I could tell that she was growing annoyed.

"I'm sorry?" She said irritated. The endless accusations of me apparently dating hundreds of women drove us absolutely crazy. The media portrayed me as a womanizer when in reality I was a dedicated and committed guy to one girl. "Look, I don't want to be rude but Harry isn't a womanizer like you believe he is. It's absolutely disgusting how you and others try to paint him to be one when he isn't. Get your facts straight before you open your mouth." She snapped.

I tried to hide the smirk from growing across my face but I failed miserably: I was grinning like an idiot. Knowing that Y/N cared so much about me made my heart swell. I placed my hand on her knee in a reassuring matter while she tried to cool her anger. I knew how much the rumors angered her and I knew that one day she was going to set the record straight.

"It really is getting out of hand. I'm not a womanizer and it really annoys me how everyone seems to think I am one." I added. Y/N's temper cooled as I rubbed my thumb against her leg.

The interviewer sat silent in her chair and she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. The interview was live and was going up in flames within seconds. It actually made me feel kind of bad for her but at the same time I didn't care. She didn't care about my feelings so why should I care about hers? "I didn't mean to offend you." She added.

Y/N sat silent and nodded her head, not believing a word she said. The rest of the interview was uncomfortable for all of us. It was hard for me to control myself because all I wanted to do was kiss Y/N and tell her how in love I am with her.

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