Chapter 16 | Fix You

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~Liam's POV~

"Too..loud.." Lex says.

I wrapped my arms her and started crying.

"You're alive. Barely made it."

"Wha-what happened?" Lexi questioned.

"It doesn't matter you're here and with me and alive." I kept crying.

Louis started sniffing in his chair. Lex started laughing.

"Lou, come here." Lex smiles.

He moves his chair closer to the hospital bed.

"No, sit next to me." Lex laughs.

Louis got up and sat on Lexi's left side.

"We thought you were gone." Louis started to cry as well.

"Suck it up boys. I'm alive. I don't want my favorite boys crying when I just survived a near-life death experience. and I never said you two were my favorites out of the five you." Lex smiled then laughed.

"Nice hair, love." Louis laughs.


"I love it." I kiss her forehead.

"Want everyone to come in?" I asked her.

"Maybe tomorrow. I want to rest." She yawned.

"Ok, love. I'll let you guys be together." Louis started getting up.

"No. Please stay here, Louis." Lexi says before laying down.

"Ok. Like I have someone to be with." Louis says then looks at the floor.

"Huh?" Me and Lex say.

"El. She. She cheated on me." Louis frowns.

"My little Tommo. Come here." Lex says.

" I don't understand." Louis says.

"Maybe it's for the best." I rubbed Louis's back.

"Maybe it is."

"I'm gonna go tell everyone to come tomorrow."

"Ok." They both said.

I walked out and closed the door slowly.

"Is she ok?! Is she awake?!" Everyone started rambling.

I shushed them all.

I look down and see Connor tugging on my shirt.

"Liam, can I see my sister?" He looked like he just finished crying.

"Everyone. Lexi is alive and getting healthy but she needs her rest and she'll be ready to see everyone tomorrow." I choke on my tears.

I slowly opened the door and Connor runs through the door. I closed it and ran toward him.

"Lex, sorry he just-"

"It's okay. Con-con, are you ok?" Lexi looks at her little innocent brother.

"I was worried. About you. I didn't want to lose you. I love you sis."

"I love you too buddy. Now tell everyone to come tomorrow please."

"Ok. Bye Lex, Louis and bye Liam." He hugged me and I lead him to the door.

"Bye Con." I hugged him back.


~The Next Day~

"Morning Love." I whisper, slowly getting out of bed.

"How's she?" Louis rubbed his eyes.

"Her heartrate is normal but she still needs to stay here for a few days." The doctor told us.

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