Chapter 13 | Family

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{2 months after Summer In The City. Liam finally back home from the US for 1DOrlando, 1D on Ellen, 1D on JimmyKimmel and interviews for FOUR.......Late November/Early December}


Finally, Home Sweet Home. Back in the UK.

Well, new home in Brighton.

Lex and the boys helped me move my stuff into my and Lex's new flat with Kai, Jackel and Loki.

Lexi Payne, Liam Payne, Kai Payne, Jackel Payne and Loki Payne. The cutest family ever.

"Ready to meet the twins?" Lexi asked me right before she opened the door.

"Yes I am. Loki?" I asked Loki as I held him in my arms.

He barked as a response. Like he knew what I said.

Lexi turned the doorknob and two little huskies run toward me. One with white fur and one with black and grey fur like Loki. {Picture on the side}

"Liam, meet Kai." Lexi picked up the little pup with white fur and a purple collar.

Kai licked my face and barked in a soft tone.

"Huh. She never does that to anyone but me. Hmm. Now, meet Jackel." She picked up the one that looked like a mini Loki with a green collar.

Jackel nudges his head on my shoulder and Lexi hands him to me.

He covers my face with licks or kisses as Lexi was saying.

"Now the big event, the meeting of Loki. Dun, dun, DUN!" Lexi announces.

"You're such a dork." I laugh.

"I'm your dork."

"Cheesy much?"

"Hey, I get it from you."

I set Jackel down in front of Loki and they started playing. Like passing the ball to each other and climbing on each others back.

"I never seen him like this!" I watch Loki as he plays with the twins.

We sat on the floor, watching them play.

"Let's just say your mum brought him here multiple times." She shrugs.

"My mum came here?" I asked her.

"Yeah, she kept me company. She was the closest thing to you and she helped me stay positive. I gotta admit it. I was torn when you were gone. You know I wasn't completly happy without you?"

"But you looked so happy in your vlogs." I gave her a confused look.

"Its because I didn't want anyone to worry about me. That's why I got the twins. But you're back and I missed you. Oh! I almost forgot! The tour!" She jumps up and starts walking to the hallway.

She grabbed my hand to get me up.

"C'mon, I need to show you something!!!!" She covered my eyes as we ran upstairs.

She directed me to the room while making me hitting some walls.

"On the count of three. 1.........2.............3" She revealed this amazing office space for me.

There was a huge desk with an apple desktop and two lamps. Behind it was a line of pictures of me and Lexi old and new. There was a leather couch infront of a flat-screen tv with 3 gaming consoles. Not one but three. A x-box 360, a PS4, and a WII U.

How does this girl manage to get this stuff?

She's fantastic. No, she's perfect.

I sat infront of the desk and saw a notebook that said 'TOP SECRET: Songwriting' (She's such a dork.)

The One I Need | l.pDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora