Ch. 28 | echo.

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8:30 AM : California Time
I walked out of the airport with all three of my suitcases plus my carry-on backpack.
California, you haven't changed one bit. My lovely uber driver had a little sign with my name on it and stood outside of her car.

"Good morning Miss Peterson. Welcome to California and I am your driver, Melissa." My uber driver said as she helped me with my luggage.

"Good morning Melissa and please just call me Lexi." I smile at Melissa. Her uber driver profile said she was 25, so she was around my age.

I got into the car and Melissa reassured me on the address to me and Liam's house, here in L.A.

"Are you hungry, Lexi? I'm sure you must be jet lag from that flight."

"Oh, yes I am. The time difference from England versus the US is very hard to get used to." Melissa was shocked when she hear my accent and it led me to laugh just a bit, "Would you like me to stop by a Starbucks? I won't charge you for it. I can't blame you for being hungry this early on a Saturday morning." She smiled, "I would love that. Thank you." I smiled back. The nearest Starbucks was about 20 minutes, so Melissa turned on 102.7 KISS.FM and I began to check my phone. I got thousands of texts from Liam which are all just him making sure I'm ok. So I decided to text him and Louis in our group chat we made when Louis moved in.


Hey! I'm in America now! I landed around 8:00AM PST and I'm so fucked up right now. Jet lag got me 😩😤 but I got in an uber and my uber driver is soo nice she offered to drive me to get breakfast with no charge !! Hope you boys are doing ok back in the house love y'all

Melissa parked her car in front of Starbucks. "Would you like anything in Starbucks, Melissa?" "Oh. You don't have to, Lexi." "Please, you're not charging me for waiting for me here. What would you like?" Melissa gave me her order and I walked inside the Starbucks.

{10:40 A.M}

I made it to the house and paid Melissa for being such a great driver for me and tipped her very generously. I unlocked the door and grabbed the mail.

I grabbed my luggage and rolled them up the staircase. This spiral staircase can go to hell. I just left my bags into my room and walked back downstairs where I found my phone, blowing up with notifications, in my purse.

Texts from Louis, and Liam, of course.
But also texts from my LA friends.

I smiled at them being so excited I'm back. But I was most excited to see a text from Amy.

I became besties with Amy ever since her and Mark or Markiplier, came to visit Brighton. We bonded over graphic design and movies. She became one of my newest friends while my old LA friends drifted away as "fame" got to their heads. But that's how things go.

As I escape my thoughts, I hear the doorbell. I peek through and see blonde hair, black hair and hear a dog barking from outside.

I open the door with the biggest smile on my face, "AMY!"

"LEX! OH, MY GOD! You look amazing!" She greets me with a warm hug.

"OMG, you look amazing too!"

"Hey, Lex!" Mark smiles.

"Hey, Mark! How are you guys?"

"We're doing good," Mark says as he and Amy step inside.

"That's good! Oh, I almost forgot to say hi to this lovely lady. HI CHICA WHO'S A GOOD GIRL YOU ARE YOU ARE!" I crouched down and was attacked my doggo kisses.

"You excited for the tour?" Mark asks.

"Of course I am! I can't wait for people to see how awful I am at improve." We all laugh.

Mark was the one who invited me to join him, Ethan, Tyler, Bob, Amy, Katherine and Wade on their comedy tour thing. We didn't have a set idea what to describe the tour but it's a tour.

"Well, we wanted to see if you want to come over maybe around 5 to just hang out because Jack's in town for PAX West and we just wanted to reunite the PAX East gang," Mark asks.

I thought about it and said, "Why not? It'll be fun! And don't you have the switch?"

Mark nods, "Awesome! Well, Amy and I gotta go finalize some t-shirt designs with some artists. We'll see you at 5?"

"I'll see you guys. Bye!"

"Bye Lex!!"

I shut the door as the couple walked out then headed back upstairs. I stop midway as I hear our security program say "garage door opened."

I look downstairs and see Liam's and my shared dog, Watson come through the door with Harry.

"HARRY!" I run down the stairs and give Harry the biggest hug ever.

"LEXBEAR I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Harry screams as well.

Watson barks in excitement as he runs around me. 

"Thank you so much for watching the house and Wat for me and Liam." I smile.

"Anything for you guys. Plus, it's fun having a pet around. I might get one myself, actually."

"You should! Well, I should treat you to lunch for being such a good house sitter." I say,while checking my watch.

11:35 AM.

"That'd be great, Lex!"

"Ok, cool. Let me just change out the clothes I was wearing on the plane and we can go eat."

"Sounds like a plan!"

I go upstairs with Watson, trailing behind and Harry hangs out in the living room, putting on a random Friends episode.

I get to my bedroom and Liam's lingering scent hits me. A small smile appears and I flop onto the bed. The bed creaks, it echoes


I mope around the house all day.

This sucked.

"Now you know how she feels, bro," Louis says as he walks into the living room, seeing me all sad.

"This sucks. I can't believe I make her feel like whenever we leave," I sink my head into a couch cushion.

"It does suck. Well, I'll be back, buddy. Gotta go take Freddie to El's. I should be back in 30 minutes. I'll pick up some lunch, ok"

"Ok." I mumble.

I hear Louis sigh and the door shuts. The door slam echoes throughout the house.

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