chapter 27 | first time

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[ Lexi ]

{6 am}

Today is the day.

Liam's still in bed and I just finished packing my carry-on. My flight was at 10 am and I didn't feel like waking Liam. The poor thing is still sick and didn't go to sleep until 4 am.

I walk downstairs and see breakfast all set up already.

"Louis, you didn't have to," I smile, seeing my best friend in the kitchen, "What time did you wake up?"

"Around five. We woke around the same time. I just didn't want to bother you since you were finishing up your packing." Louis replied, "Plus, this is to make it up to you. Since you always make me breakfast when I started living here, I wanted to do this." He smiles.

What did I do to deserve such an amazing best friend?


"So, where's Freddie?" As soon as I asked, the baby monitor sounded, Freddie's cries filled the room.

"Here. Let me get him." Louis turns off the stove, then I stood in front of the kitchen door.

"No. Lou, I'll get him for you. Finish up cooking. Don't worry." I exit out of the kitchen, leaving Louis to finish his cooking.

I slowly open the door to Louis' room / Freddie's nursery and see Freddie standing up in his crib.

Standing up.

"LOUIS!" Immediately I hear Louis running through the halls to the room.

"What-what-wha" Louis stops in his tracks when he sees his son.

"He's standing. HE'S STANDING, LEX! MY BABY BOY IS STANDING ON HIS OWN!" Louis' eyes gleam with happiness.

Freddie's first birthday was next month and I made sure to be free that week to see my godson on his first birthday.

I take out my phone from my pocket and take a sneaky picture of Freddie standing with Louis squatting down next to him, smiling.

I go on instagram and upload the picture - alexissrosee: a proud godmother today. freddie learned to stand up all his own :') he's growing up too fast louist91

I look down at my watch and it was 7:20 already.

"Lou, I gotta head over to the airport soon." I blurted.

"Oh ok." He frowned, "C'mon let's eat breakfast before you leave. Here. I'll go wake up Liam." Louis informs me then hands me the baby.

"C'mon baby boy. Let's eat!" I talk in a baby voice. Freddie just giggles in delight.

We sit at the dining table and I put Freddie in his high chair.

I pull out snapchat on my phone and take pictures of all the food Louis had made and it looked amazing.

I begin eating then,

"A-au-aun-TIE Aauntie! Aauntie!" Freddie babbles.

His first word: Auntie.

"What Freddie? What did you say?" This time I was fliming him on my snap chat.

"AAUNTIE! AUNTIE!" Freddie giggles and smiles.

I had to vlog this moment. I searched through my bags which I brought downstairs and became to vlog.

"Good mornign everyone! Today has already been pretty eventful because...." I point the camera at Freddie and he says the only word he knows as of now.


"Freddie's first word was actually AUNTIE and I didn't make him say it for anything. I swear!! It was so surprising it wasn't dada or anything like that." I laugh in amusement. I explained my game plan for the day which is just me going to the airport and being on a plane for a few hours.

Then I heard Louis and Liam come down the stairs.

"Well, someone looks way more healthy today." I see Liam with a more glow than before.

"Hi love." He kissed my head as he sat down next to me.
*** 8:15 ***
We all finished breakfast and I helped the boys out a little and clean up the kitchen.

"Lex! All your bags are in the car. You ready?" Louis calls for me from the garage.

"Yeah! Let's go!"

And we were on our way.

The airport seemed like a usual place for me now. The rush of everyone seeking for their gate number.

Liam pulled my two main suitcases, I carried my backpack aka my carry on and Louis was pushing Freddie's stroller.

GATE 47 :: London to Los Angeles, USA

"So this is my stop."

I handed in my suitcases to the flight attendants and I began my goodbyes.

"Have fun, Lex. But not too much fun, ok?" Louis hugged me, "and don't forget to FaceTime me and UGH I'm gonna miss you bestie."

"I'm gonna miss you too, Lou."

"So, this is what it feels like. There's a first time for everything," Liam held my face in his hands, "I love you."

"I love you and don't you forget that because I won't be here," I smile at him," I'll always be right here. Don't worry about me. I love you." I kissed Liam and we were so rudely interrupted but my gate number was called that we were boarding.

"I'll see you guys soon. Bye." I smiled just for them and waved as I walked into the gate.

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