Chapter 20 | "It's really you."

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{ Liam }

Lexi wrapped her arms around me, squeezing the life out of me. It seemed as if she was never going to let go. But I was ok with it. I've missed this one particular girl so much and she missed me as much as I have.

"I missed you." She whispers.

"I missed you too." I whisper.

She breaks the hug and just looks at me.

"It's really you." She smiles.

I laugh, "Why wouldn't it be me?"

A familar grey luggage with a bright luggage tag slowly comes on to the luggage claim.

"Lex. Forgetting something?" I point toward her luggage.

"Oh! Almost forgot. Jetlag is really messing with me."

"Here. Let me get that." I take the luggage off the convener belt and start rolling it.

I take Lex's hand as we walk out of the airport.

"Li. How are you here?" She asked.

"10 day break off of tour." I explained.


"Why are you asking?"

"I was going to surprise you but I guess you beat me to it." She giggled.

I laughed, "I guess I did."

**time skip to lexiam's flat**

Lexi had fallen asleep in the car, mid-conversation. I carried her inside and laid her on the bed. I walked back out to grab her luggage. I roll the luggage up the stairs and set them carefully on the floor of our shared bedroom.

Lexi was fast asleep. She looked so fascinating. Every detail of her was radiant. She's indescribable. Yes, I feel like a creep watching my fiancee sleep but she's just so beautiful. I can't help it.

I finally pull myself out of the trace I was in and walked downstairs.

I sat down on the sofa, and turned on the TV. I kept flipping through channels, trying to find a good movie to watch. But utterly failing, I result to watching old recordings of doctor who.

*1 hour later*

I finally turn off the TV and check my phone.


Ok. I should start dinner. So, I open fridge, finding it full of food.

"Oh, Lex. Always thinking  ahead ." I whisper to myself.

I grab a pot, dry pasta, tomato sauce, & ground beef. I take out the recipe box and look through Lexi's infamous recipes then finally find the right recipe card. So, I begin cooking.

As I finished the pasta and started making the sauce, I feel two small arms wrap around my torso.

"Mmm. Smells good, babe." Lexi kisses my cheek.
"Thank you, love. Well, it is your recipe." I smile.

"Of course, it is." Lex removes her arms from my torso and sits on one of the breakfast bar chairs,
"So, what's cooking, Chef Payne?"

"Well, pasta, ice cream for desert, a Louis and Niall are coming over and a lot of catching up to do."

"Perfect. I'll get the Wii U set up, so we could play something. Just got some new games." She rushes back upstairs.

I strain the pasta and set it in a bowl. I stir the sauce one more time before turning off the stove. I just let all of the food cool down. Just as I turn off the stove, the doorbell rings.

"LIAM THE DOOR!" Lexi yells from upstairs.

"I know." I tell her.

"LIAMMM!" Louis loudly greets me.

"Hey, Liam." Niall waves.

I let the two guys come in and then close the door.

"So, where's the missus, Liam?" Louis looks around.

"Yeah, Payno. Where's Lex?" Niall asks as he sits on the sofa.

"IM UPSTAIRS!!" Lexi yells again.

"Well, what's she doing up there?" Louis rolls his eyes.

"Go find out yourselves." I let them go upstairs.

I clean all the pots I used, then set all the food on the table.

I grab the receipe box and put it back in Lex's closet in her office. But I spotted a white box with lace wrapped around the edges with 'my biggest dream' written in cursive and gold ink.

I smile, noticing that it had a picture of the two of us from when we went on our first date. It was a wedding box. I memorized where it was so I could find it later.

As I walk back into the kitchen, I hear Lexi, Niall and Louis's voices becoming louder and louder as they come down the stairs.

"Then I got to train like I was going to repairing something on the rocket in zero gravity for the music video. It was so cool, Lex! You should really come on the rest of the tour with us!" Niall asks Lexi.

"Lex, you really should come on this next leg of the tour!" Louis pleads.

"Hmm, I'll think about." She smirks then smiles.

"Ahh! C'mon Lex! It'll be so much fun! You really should come." The two whiny boys complain.

"I said, I think about. Ok?" The two boys nod. "Let's eat, boys!"

The three finally come to the dining table.

"Oh my god! Li, it smells so good Thank you for cooking!" She kisses me on the cheeks as I sit next to her.

"Honestly, it was nothing." I smile. " EAT UP!"

We all began to eat and catch up with each other. Lexi told us stories about VidCon and Playlist! Live. and how she got stuck in an elevator and had to climb out of the elevator by firemen. Me, Niall and Louis talked about the whole US tour and all the crazy experiences that happened.

Just by our conversations, it sounded like the four of us haven't seen each other in years. It was already 10:56pm when we finished our conversations.

It didn't even feel very long. But we talked for four hours straight. It was crazy how fast time moved.

But what I didn't notice is how deep in my thoughts I was in.

"Liam?" Louis tried to get my attention.

"Payno?" Niall tried as well.

"li? Lost in your thoughts, babe?" Lexi tries and succeeds.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Just thinking. Because this is really good for us. Espically after Zayn just leaving the band, we needed a even stronger bond than before." I smile.

"Yeah, it is. Too bad Harry isn't here." Niall shrugs.

"Tomorrow. We should have a beach day here. Over at the private cove." Lexi suggests.

"That's perfect!" Louis yells in excitement.

"Well... While you guys plan the whole beach day. I'll be playing Mario Kart over there." Niall gets up from the table.

"Yeah. I'll go with him." Lexi says, getting up.

But when Louis tried to get up, I grabbed his arm, sitting him back down.

"Oy! Mate, what was that for?"

"Louis, I have something important to ask you."

"Which is?"

"Would you like to be my best man in the wedding?"


{HI EVERYONE! Sorry that I haven't updated in two months :/// my computer is currently not working so I'm updating on my ipad. Which is really annoying OMG but I'm doing good. Nothing special. EXCEPT FOR THE PERFECT VIDEO OMG WHAT EVEN WAS THAT VIDEO? IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL :'))}

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