Chapter 5 | Tour, Fans And Paparrazi

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A/N: The boys are finishing up the WWA tour in America in this part of the story. Just to let you know. So no one is confused. Now let's continue the story.

<Liam's POV>

Yesterday It was the first time me and Lexi slept in the same bed together. It felt nice. My arm wrapped around her and her arms around my neck.

Today we're heading to America for the tour to start again. I'm so happy because Lexi is coming with us! Shit, what time is it?

6:30 AM

CRAP!! We're going to be late for our flights @ 7

"Lexi! Lex!! Get up!! Lexi? Where are you?!"

I was hesitating, worried. Where is she?

"Li, calm down. I'm right here. I was getting ready."

I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Don't scare me like that again. I thought you were gone."

She chuckled.

"Sorry Li. I just didn't wake you up this early and this is a lovely view."  She said and winking. I forgot I was shirtless.

I started laughing and kissed her nose."

"It's alright love. Besides we're going to be late for our flight to LA today."

"All packed and ready to go Li!"

"You're adorable. You know that right?"

"Thanks babe."

She kissed my cheek. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

<<Lexi's POV>>

 I went downstairs and brought me and Liam's bags with me. Everyone but Zayn was awake. We had to do something.

"Who wants to wake up Zayn?" I asked

"How exactly?" Louis wonders

"By making a lot of noise with pots and pans."

The boys all agree with the idea.

We all went to the kitchen and grabbed the pans and spoons to hit them with. We ran uptairs, slowly opened Zayn's door.

"1,2,3!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled

We were banging the pots and pans as loud as we could.

"What the- I'm awake ok. Who's idea was this?"

All the boys pointed at me.

"Revenge Lex. Revenge."

We went out of his room and back downstairs.

"C'mon!! Everyone hurry up!! The van gonna be here soon to pick us up!!" Liam shouted

Everyone hurried around the house, getting everyone's luggage downstairs

"Ok, I'm ready!!" Zayn yells coming from upstairs.

We all heard a car horn blare from outside.

"LET'S GO!!" Louis ran out of the door yelling

We packed our bags into the van and went inside.

We saw the 5SOS boys in the van as well. 

"Lexi!! Haven't seen you in a while!" Ashton yelled.

"Hi guys. How was your tour a couple monthes ago?"

"It was AMAZING!! We had so much fun!!!" All the boys started shouting.

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