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Hi guys!

It's Carolynn here.

I'm here to talk about how we got over 300 (almost 400) reads! It may not seem much it is to. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS! I really hope everyone is loving the current chapters and ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!! Yep, I'm 13 !! Seriously, I've had this story for almost two years now and that is crazy. When I started writing on wattpad, I was just bored and I was reading other people's books, so I got inspired to write this. And if you were wondering, yes, I was 11 1/2 when I started. 

So, I want to tell you about myself.

Name: Carolynn Felicia or just Carolynn

Age: 13

My birthday: March 23

I'm Filipino :)

Location: Southern California (Orange County)

And I'm graduating in 2016, pretty exciting.

Fall Out Boy started my whole fangirl/band obsession. It all started when I was four. My cousins were over and they were playing music so being the little toddler I was I listened to the music and it was Sugar, We're Goin Down.

Yes, the first fall out boy song I've ever heard was Sugar, we're goin down. So, I had my dad buy the album from under the cork tree for my 5th birthday. It's like 2006 when I was 5. I listened to it non stop.

In 2011 when the hiatus was announced, I was heartbroken and I WAS 10 years old.

I refused to go to school when this happened and I didn't go to school for three days. I was in fucking fourth grade.

Yeah, I was insane. (i still am)

When the band got back together, I got tickets to see them in 2013 for the save rock and roll twice. Yes, twice. Once in Irvine and Once in San Diego.

I met fob on 8-26-2013. i will never forget that day. i told this exact story to the guys. I remember Pete was shocked yet smiling and he said 'so you were four when you listened to us?' I said yes. 'that's fucking awesome, give me a high-five.' Joe was laughing, he thought it was pretty cool. Andy gave me a hug. Patrick let me wear his hat and hugged me. It was an amazing experience. I even met Bronx.

I've seen fob a total of three times going to be a fourth in august.

Yeah so that is my fangirl story.

Anyways, Zayn really needs to come back. My poor baby. People need to mind their own fucking business and leave him alone. I love you Zayn. feel better but don't leave the boys please. please.

I love you guys.

-Carolynn Felicia

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