chapter 26 | "this is what it feels like"

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\\ liam //

My shared room echos with the sound of me coughing and sneezing. Me plus sickness don't mix. I feel like shit. Stupid Sony meeting. I just had to sit next to the sick infested secretary. No offense to him or anything but he was COUGHING AND SNEEZING ON ME. Ugh. It's like high school all over again.

It was high school. Freshman Liam was sitting next Jules Galliger who had the flu. She made it pretty obvious she was sick. So, everyone just finished filing in from lunch and Jules sits in her chair at our shared table with three other kids. Class was interesting. Sort of. Mr. Lionel kept talking about how the French Revolution and the play/book/musical Les Mes. AND OUT OF NOWHERE, JULES USES MY POLO AS A SNOT RAG.

Oh god. It was a traumatic experience. Anyways, I just can't wait for Lex to back home. My baba. You're probably wondering, Liam what's with the nickname 'baba' for Lexi?

Well, it all kinda started when Lex first met Lux (Louise's daughter.) She held Lux and Lux kept repeating 'baba! baaba!' And I guess it's always stuck with me since I didn't really like calling Lex babe. I mean she calls me babe but I don't know mind.

My thoughts floated away once I heard my baba's voice come from downstairs.

"Ah. Shit." I can't leave bed because Louis's orders.

"LI? LIAM?!"

"Upstairs baba!" I hear her small footsteps patter up the stairs.

"Awh, my poor little Liam." She pouts.

"Just come here and hug me." I pout and pull my good old puppy face.

She removed her boots and cuddles up next to me. She kisses my forehead.

"Wow Li. Your head's on fire." She giggles. "Don't remind me. I already feel like shit." I frown.

We held each other until my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

\\ lexi //

Liam falls asleep. Finally. His soft snores fill the room . I slowly move out of his strong embrace. The poor thing. I change out of my work clothes and throw on one of Liam's shirts and my leggings. I closed our door slowly, not wanting to wake Liam.

"Lex! I didn't know you came home." Louis yawns, walking out of Freddie's nursery.

"Oh! I got home about 20 minutes ago," i said as i was explaining to Louis. "Awh! Can I hold little tommo?"

"Go on ahead." Louis passes Freddie over to me, "I'm gonna go make his bottle." and louis walked downstairs.

I slowly followed Louis down the stairs, rocking Freddie.

"What's for dinner Lex?" 

"No clue. But I went grocery shopping." I set Freddie in his little play pen. "So, how's Liam doing, Lex?"

"He came down with a stomach virus but its nothing serious. He just needs to take it down for a little bit."

"So, when are you telling him?"

"Tell him what?"

"About you leaving for three months."

"Oh yeah. That."

"Lex. You can't wait forever you need to tell him."

"I know I know. I've been meaning to but he got sick and I didn't want him to feel worst."

"But Lex, just tell him." Louis shrugs.

"I will. I will."

Yes. That's right. I'm going to be traveling back to the USA and will be there for almost four months. 

First, I'm going to PAX East in Boston. Second, Vidcon in LA. Finally, I'm touring. 

I know the worst news to break to Liam is that I'll be living in LA for the next few months without him.

"Tell me what?" I turn and see a sleepy Liam leaning against doorway.

"Oh Payno. Come here real fast." Louis motions Liam to sit by the breakfast bar.

"What's up baba?"

"Li, I'm gonna be leaving for a few months. I'll be going to convention to convention then touring-"

"I'll go with you." His smile slowly creeps onto his face.

"Babe I'm sorry but everything is just so chaotic and you're sick and I don't want you to be-" Liam cuts me off once again.

"So, this is what it feels like." Liam looks down on the floor. "I understand baba. Just. When do you leave?"

"Friday." I sigh.

Liam wraps his arms around me. "Wow. It really is this hard." He kissed my forehead. "No wonder you never want to let go when I leave for tour."

"Exactly." I smile.

"Well, it's Thursday. I just wanna stay in bed with you." Liam smiles.

"I'm ok with that." 

And we headed back upstairs.


Ugh this was such a filler chapter but something really dramatic is coming which means the ending is coming soon. So basically its late 2016 right now: like December-ish after christmas

I'll probably be doing chapters up to chapter 30-40 but we never know.

Love y'all,


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