Part 2 Chapter 10- Faker

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(Oh no I'm getting carried away... oh well. I'm having fun. So, I just had Easter and saw my cousin for the first time in almost a year. He's gonna be able to drive me around in 2 weeks. Coffee dates and coming out. Wait that'd be such a good book title. I call it, Okay anyways here's the story) (⚠️TW Panic attack, confrontation/harassment, seizure/seizure mentions)

Techno was the first to emerge. He carried a small paper bag, what it contained I wasn't sure. "What'd you get?" Tubbo asked. Techno looked up as if he wasn't expecting the question. "Uh, l-licorice." He said. Tubbo nodded with a smile. "Wait, Tubbo, what'd you get?" I asked. "Oh, I didn't get anything" he said. I knew it was because he was with me getting candy, without a second thought I spoke up. "Tubbo, go." I said firmly. I watched the joy cover his face as he practically skipped into the store. 

After a while people slowly trickled out eventually leaving just Tubbo who emerged with a couple different candies, we made our way through the mall and decided to stop at 3 more stores before going to get lunch at the food court. I felt a bit out of it but I just needed some food. Tubbo said something indistinct and I nodded. 

Suddenly, I was alone. Leo was on my lap alerting and wagged his tail as I pet him acknowledging his presence. I had an absent seizure, I looked around in search of my friends or a comforting presence, I saw no one, and nothing familiar as I was in a mall in Florida I had no clue how to navigate or where my friends had gone. I pulled free my phone messaging Tubbo, "Where are you?" There was no response. I felt my chest tighten, the panic began to set in, Leo stood in my lap wagging his tail as he nudged gently attempting to alert. I knew the best option would be him laying on my full body, but I was lost and didn't want to lay on the floor. I saw a nearby couch in a small sitting area and decided that would be the best option. The wheelchair I sat in was sitting fairly close. So, I stood having Leo guide me to the couch and I laid on my back facing the ceiling. Leo quickly laid atop me and licked my face. My chest was still tight but I knew it would go away eventually, I continued breathing as I tuned out the general noise of the large mall. 

Eventually, I found I had calmed down when my phone buzzed. "Where I said I was gonna be" he said. "And where exactly would that be? 😅" I responded. "Hot Topic?" He responded. "Ha! Why Tf are you in hot topic?" I said laughing to myself. "Why not?" He responded. "Fair enough" Was the only response I could come up with. 

I decided after a while that I should move back to where I was before. So, Leo guided me back to the wheelchair. I sat down and went back to my phone to look through social media awaiting my friends' return. 

Wilbur, Quackity, Techno, Dream, George, and Tubbo emerged leaving Nikki, Karl, and Sapnap who shopped inside. What they were shopping for I had no clue. Tubbo walked over to me before the rest of the group. "Absent seizure?" He asked quietly and surprisingly calm. I nodded. He turned back and waited for the rest of the group as our current gaggle talked. I still felt a bit dazed and out of it. I knew I had to ground myself and without a second thought I grabbed Wilbur's hand, the second I did it I wanted to back out, undo it. But it was done. He turned to me, "What's up?" He asked calmly. "Uh- n-nothing." I responded hoping it sounded believable. Wilbur sat on the ground crossing his legs continuing to hold my hand. Due to his height he sat mostly even with me. I gave him a subtle smile and he nodded. 

After about 3 minutes the whole group sat cross legged. Then, Karl and Sapnap emerged with Nikki clasping her hands smiling almost like she was proud of herself. Karl and Sapnap were dressed head to toe in gothic clothing and I couldn't help but laugh loudly. George commented, "Guess you guys couldn't escape, huh?" Apparently, Nikki had tried to rope as many of them as possible into a full makeover. I could barely contain my laughter at the sight Wilbur chuckled, Dream wheezed, and Quackity cackled. They all stood after awhile, able to contain their laughter and Sapnap and Karl went to change back but with their newly purchased clothing. We made our way to the food court with Wilbur now pushing me calmly, which was a much needed change from Quackity's chaotic steering. We found a table and I moved to the bench with Leo calmly tucked underneath. I told Wilbur what I wanted and he went to get my food. (it's 11 am and I forgot what food is so idk what kind of food) 

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