Part 2 Chapter 15 - Secure

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(⚠️TW anxiety, seizure mentions, confrontation, food)

(Okay so for anyone looking for an ending I'm so sorry, it's probably just going to continue ahaha but anyway I saw my friends for the first time in a hot minute and I'm very happy about it.)

The group whipped around, I felt my chest clench once more. This stupid goddamn feeling. "I still don't have registration for the dog," she said, very obviously angry. "We're on our way out." Techno said firmly. "I'm going to have to call the police if you don't provide proof." She said her hands on her hips. "Ma'am, I've already explained. That's against the law, therefore the police would side with us." Dream said, now frustrated. The woman pulled out her phone, completely ignoring Dream. He gave up, walking over, "Hey, Tommy, what happened, you okay?" He asked gently. I nodded. "Seizure," Technoblade said, earning a concerned look from Dream. "That's the second one today." He said simply. "Threw up my meds" I said tiredly. He nodded. "H-hey Dream do you think I could pass him off for a sec." he said slightly strained. Dream nodded, lifting me from Techno, taking note of my wince. I turned back to the woman, to see she was now on the phone. "I have a group of unruly teens loitering in my store with a dog, who's not allowed in the store." I was shocked at her explanation. But the group didn't speak, simply standing, shocked. "Yes, they say it's a service dog but aren't providing any registration." "No, no, my manager said we need to ask for registration. Yes sir, I understand that but the store- no sir-" She pulled her phone from her ear staring at it, angrily. He had hung up on her. The group let out a collective laugh and she turned glaring at us. "I guess I'll just have to look myself." She grabbed Leo's leash, yanking it from Quackity and began unzipping the pockets in search of papers or something. Leo pulled, trying to return to me as I began to once again breath heavily. Causing her to grab his collar. I was terrified and speechless. The world was silent as I watched Wilbur quickly pull Leo from her grasp. I watched as we left the store, but hot fearful tears were streaming down my face as I was trying to breath through the same stupid plastic bag. 

We got to the car. Tubbo sitting in the back with Techno, and Leo who was loaded in by Wilbur. Dream set me in the middle seat and I couldn't hear or see anything. I heard muffled noise, but it was no use. There was nothing. I searched frantically, finally finding Leo as he crawled into my lap. I felt as he licked my face and hands and finally the blurring stopped and the noise got slightly easier to hear. "Tommy? Can you hear me?" Tubbo asked gently. I nodded, gripping Leo, afraid I'd lose him. "Hey, can you take a few deep breaths" I nodded, finally finding my breath and taking a few deep inhales and exhales. The hot tears were still ever prevalent but I was calming down. Finally everything seemed back in check apart from the tears. 

"I, I thought I was gonna lose him" I mumbled to nobody in particular, as I stared ahead at the traffic lights. "Tommy, I'm so sorry. We should've just left." Dream said from the front tapping his hands on the steering wheel. My eyes refocused looking to Dream, "Its okay, nobody expected her to do that." He nodded, eyes fixed on the road. "Tommy, eyes closed." Tubbo said from the back. I closed my eyes. "Okay, you're good" he said after the threat had passed. "What was that?" Techno asked. "Oh, flashing triggers Tommy's epilepsy sometimes." He said casually. I watched Dream's eyes widen. "Oh, shit." He said. "Yeah, it's no big deal." I said. He nodded, not quite believing it. George suddenly spoke up, "Tommy, informed me he's been masking in front of us this whole time." I knew the conversation was inevitable but I was exhausted. I sighed. "Masking?" Dream spoke. His jaw seemed to be clenched. Before I could even think of formulating words which would have taken me forever, Tubbo thankfully spoke up. "It means that he try's to act more normal or neurotypical." Tubbo put simply. I just looked down, not wanting to acknowledge that information. "N-no I know what masking is." Dream said simply. I looked up to see that he was giving a sympathetic glance through the mirror. Technoblade seemed to be giving the same look. "Holy shit." I said simply. The whole car, aside from Tubbo, burst into laughter. "Wait, what?" Tubbo asked. "Dream and Techno both have adhd." George said through a laugh. "Oh shit, I forgot about that!" Tubbo exclaimed. "Tommy, you don't have to be something you're not. I know that for me it took a while to get comfortable and learn how to let my guards down but we're not going to care whenever you do decide to do so." Dream said gently, I nodded, smiling at how accepting my friends were. 

We decided to turn on some music but I only heard about half of the first song before I drifted off, sleeping deeply.

"Tommy," I heard in a soft voice. Tubbo was nudging me from outside the car. "We're at the house," I stirred sitting up slightly. I peered out the open door past Tubbo to see the familiar house. I walked inside, seeing that most of my friends were already inside. Not including Tubbo, and Wilbur who was taking Leo to the bathroom. I trudged to my room, grabbing my blanket and heading back out. Which earned a surprised look from most of my friends and I flopped in the free spot on the couch, falling asleep with my head on the armrest and my blanket wrapped around me. I felt safer, more secure. 

I opened my eyes to laughter. I felt my head pounding, and squinted to the bright light of the room with a groan. Ah yes, seizure hangovers. My favorite. I felt nauseous and sat up to see I was on the couch, I looked around to see nobody was in the living room. But, I saw the group in the kitchen unaware of my awakeness. I stood, to move to my room, my legs giving out and filling with an ache as I sat on the ground. I pulled in a sharp inhale gaining the others attention. And slouched in defeat as my friends made their way over. Wilbur lifted me and I sat on the couch, slouching back against it. "Seizure hangover?" Tubbo asked. "Seizure hangover." I responded simply. A few looks of confusion and an explanation later, Quackity stood, sprinting to my room, not as loud as usual thankfully. He returned with my backpack. I removed my medications swallowing them dry. I reached into a separate pouch, pulling free some ibuprofen. Swallowing it dry once again and leaning back. I felt Leo gently nudge my hand and I smiled patting his head, thanks bud. "Shit, I didn't feed you!" I exclaimed, as the realization hit me, before Karl reassured me. "We fed him, and took him out." He said to quickly relieve me. I nodded. Sinking back to my spot. 

After awhile, I moved to my room, a weird sight for sure. Me, the lanky teen with my arm slung over the taller Dream's shoulder and his hand was wrapped around my waist. As I less than gracefully stumbled to my room I earned more than a few laughs as we clumsily went to my room, my legs feeling like Jello. I climbed into my bed flopping down and rolling over. Sliding under the comfortable sheets and I was practically out by the time my head hit the pillow, I stayed awake just long enough to feel Leo jump on the bed, curling up next to my legs.

I woke up feeling less tired, achy, and hungry. Holy crap was I hungry. I looked to my phone, realizing the last thing I had eaten was the ice cream at only around 12 yesterday. It was now 2 in the afternoon the next day. It had been hours since I ate or drank anything, no wonder my body felt so much shittier than usual. I reached to my nightstand opening the drawer to pull free one of Leo's guiding harnesses and I slid it on him as he thumped his tail. I stood to get ready to walk to the kitchen but my legs ached more than expected and I sucked in air sharply through my teeth, sitting back on the bed. I took off Leo's harness sitting back on the bed, pulling my phone from my pocket. 

Tommy: Heyyyy Tubbo?

Tubbo: Ooh you're awake 

Tommy: Ye

Tubbo: What's up?

Tommy: I'm hungry

Tubbo: When was the last time you ate?

Tommy: Umm the ice cream yesterday

Tubbo: Welll that's not good

*a few seconds later*

"What?!" I heard Wilbur yell from the kitchen. Followed by multiple pairs of firm and quick footsteps. Nikki burst through the door accompanied by Karl and Wilbur, "The fuck do you mean you haven't eaten in 26 hours?" Wilbur said. "Well, I haven't eaten since ice cream." I said. "Wait, that means you really haven't had anything with nutrient value since yesterday morning?" Karl asked. I nodded awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. "Heh, yeah, I guess so." I responded. "Okay, that's it, what do you want?" Nikki said impatiently. "Hm?" I asked, confused. "What do you want to eat, I'll order it." She asked. "I'll just get a granola bar." I said standing but quickly landing back on the bed with defeated sigh and pursed lips. "You okay Toms?" Wilbur said suddenly quieter as he crouched by the bed. "I'm fine Wilbur, can you just grab me a granola bar?" I said out of defeat. He nodded silently, standing and heading to the kitchen. 

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